Elisabeth Wetterlund
Research subject: Energy Engineering
Division: Energy Science
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E152
About me
Professor and docent in Energy Engineering at the Division of Energy Science, Luleå University of Technology.
Associate research scholar at the International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria since 2017.
PhD in Energy Systems 2012, Linköping University (LiU). Bachelor in chemical engineering 2005, University of Borås.
PhD student at the Division of Energy Systems, LiU 2006-2012. Postdoc at Energy Systems, LiU 2012-2013. Participant in Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) at IIASA in 2010, guest researcher at IIASA 2011.
Energy systems analysis; Renewable energy; Integrated energy systems; Systems analysis; Biofuels for transportation; Forest biomass; Industrial energy systems and processes
PhD students (ongoing)
Main supervisor
Marzieh Bagheri, Energiteknik LTU (start May 2019)
Zeenat Farooq, Energiteknik LTU (start May 2022)
Swastika Chakravorty, Energiteknik LTU (start October 2022)
Mahsa Mehrara, Energiteknik LTU (start October 2022)
F7009T Industrial energy processes
F0032T Termodynamik och värmetransport