Erik Elfgren
Associate Professor, Distinguished University Teacher
Research subject: Energy Engineering
Division: Energy Science
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E136
About me
My Curriculum Vitae can be found here External link..
I teach courses in Physics and Energy Efficiency.
Current Research
Lots of energy is used within the process industry. The energy usage has been optimized to a certain degree but there is still room for improvements. Improvements that will be necessary if we are to hold the green-house effect at bay. I'm currently working on optimizing the energy usage in the Luleå system as a whole, including the SSAB steel plant, the LuleKraft heat producer and the Luleå Energi heat distributor. I'm also working on including Exergy in the MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming)-program reMIND.
Previous Research
My research treats the impact of early dust on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The dust comes from the first generation of stars, which were hot and short-lived, ending their lives as giant supernovæ. In the supernova explosions, heavy elements, produced through the fusion in the stars, were ejected into the interstellar medium. These heavy elements condensed to form dust, which can absorb and thus perturb the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. As the dust will be produced within structures (like galaxy clusters), it will have a spatial correlation that could be used to detect it. The planned Planck satellite might be able to measure and thus confirm this correlation.
I was born in Luleå, Sweden. In 2000 I graduated as a MSc in Engineering Physics at Luleå University of Technology and in 2002 I received a MSc in Physics at the University of Montréal, Canada. I finished my Licentiate degree in 2005 and my PhD degree in January 2008 at Luleå University of Technology.