Haoyu Wei
Postdoctoral researcher
Research subject: Urban Water Engineering
Division: Architecture and Water
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T3023
Haoyu Wei’s research work focuses on addressing challenges associated with stormwater quality and quantity management.
Haoyu accomplished his PhD in March 2024, which explicitly focused on the gully pot system. Current gully pot maintenance strategies lack clear aims and a robust evidence base against which their performance can be benchmarked. The discussions on the optimisation of gully pot maintenance operations require further understanding on the net sediment accumulation as well as their physicochemical properties. Haoyu’s research work aims at evaluating impacts of changes in rainfall patterns on gully pot sediment scouring and the influences of various factors on the long-term accumulation of sediments and associated contaminants in gully pot system. The thorough characterisation of gully pot sediments (including metals, organic contaminants, physicochemical and toxicological properties) also contributes to the discussions to develop robust gully pot waste disposal and management strategies.
In his current postdoctoral position, Haoyu will continue contributing solutions to the urban stormwater management within the DRIZZLE project.
BSc: Wuhan university, China, Water Quality Science & Technology 2012 - 2016
MSc: Lund university, Sweden, Water Resources Engineering 2016 - 2018
PhD: Luleå university of technology, Urban Water Engineering 2019 - 2024
Haoyu Wei | LinkedIn External link, opens in new window.
Haoyu Wei | Google Scholar External link, opens in new window.
Haoyu Wei | ORCID External link, opens in new window.
Research Projects
External link.
- Stormwater&Sewers
External link.
- Effect-based analysis of urban stormwater (2024-2025)
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- Effect-based analysis of stormwater sediments: evaluation of sediment from stormwater ponds (2024-2025)
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- µpstream: reducing the presence of micropollutants spread by stormwater flows (2024-2025)
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- ISWIM - Innovative stormwater impact mitigation (2023-2028)
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- Urban stormwater research in cold climates: an evidence synthesis (2023-2024)
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