Jonas Edberg
Senior Lecturer
Research subject: Solid Mechanics
Division: Solid Mechanics
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E878
About me
Work summary
Research, project management, teaching and supervision and some IT related work.
Simulation of thermomechanical manufacturing processes and development of physically based models to describe the properties of the processed materials.
Material Mechanics: Plasticity and creep. It is a meeting point for material science and continuum mechanics. The underlying mechanisms behind plasticity and creep are treated together with constitutive models.
Metal Processing: The main focus is on principles for groove and plate rolling as well as an introduction to FEM modeling of thermo-mechanical processes for plastic forming.
Journal article
Use of Indicators for Hot and Warm Cracking in Welded Structures, J. Edberg, J. Andersson, Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 7, 2017, Pages 145-150.
Journal article
Modeling and Simulation of first pass in the Cold Rolling Process of Aluminium 8015 Alloy: a case study of 2-D FE-simulation of coupled thermo-mechanical modeling, O. Olaogun, J. Edberg, L.-E. Lindgren, O. O. Oluwole, E. T. Akinlabi, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100(2) October 2018.
Conference paper
Comparison of two different indicators for hot cracking in welded structures, J Edberg and J Draxler, 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018, Belo Horizonte; Brazil, Sept 9-14 2018 External link..
Journal article
Modeling and Simulation of Weld Solidification Cracking, Part I: A Pore Based Crack Criterion, J. Draxler, J. Edberg, J. Andersson and L-E. Lindgren, Welding in the world 63 (5), 1489-1502, 2019.
Journal article
Modeling and Simulation of Weld Solidification Cracking, Part II: A Model for Estimation of Grain Boundary Liquid Pressure in a Columnar Dendritic Microstructure, J. Draxler, J. Edberg, J. Andersson and L-E. Lindgren, Welding in the world 63 (5), 1503-1519, 2019.
Journal article
Modeling and Simulation of Weld Solidification Cracking, Part III: Simulation of Solidification Cracking in Varestraint Tests of Alloy 718, J. Draxler, J. Edberg, J. Andersson and L-E. Lindgren, Welding in the world 1-19, 2019
Journal article
Modeling of thermal stresses in low alloy steels, LE Lindgren, J Edberg, P Åkerström and Z Zhang, Journal of Thermal Stresses 42 (6), 725-743, 2019
Journal article
Heat transfer in cold rolling process of AA8015 alloy: a case study of 2-D FE simulation of coupled thermo-mechanical modeling, O Olaogun, J Edberg, LE Lindgren, OO Oluwole and ET Akinlabi, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100:2617-2627, 2019
Conference paper
Simulation of Weld Solidification Cracking in Varestraint Tests of Alloy 718, J Draxler, J Edberg, J Andersson and L-E Lindgren, Proc. 12th International Seminar on Numerical Analysis of Weldability", Graz, Castel Seggau, Austria, 2019.
Conference paper
Physically based versus strain- based crack indicators for hot cracking in welded structures. 24’th ISABE Conference, Canberra, Australia, Sept 22-27, 2019 External link..