Lian Lundy
Visiting Professor
Research subject: Urban Water Engineering
Division: Architecture and Water
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
About me
Lian Lundy's research to-date has focused on sustainable stormwater management, the transport and behaviour of urban pollutants and approaches to risk assessment which – in the absence of complete data sets - support the transparent and robust integration of available data with expert judgement. Lian is currently theme leader for stormwater quantity at the DRIZZLE Centre of Excellence for Stormwater Management and leads work packages in four projects: ISGM (Integrating Stormwater and Groundwater Management), CUREE (Closing the water cycle to increase Urban Resilience to Extreme Events), Multi-functional street-scale blue green infrastructure - translating potential into actual ecosystem services delivery and Urban stormwater research: an evidence synthesis. She is co-chair of the Risk Assessment and Policy Support Working Group of the NORMAN network and the Water Europe Zero Pollution Working Group.
Research projects
- DRIZZLE - Centre for stormwater management
External link.
- Integrated stormwater and groundwater management
External link, opens in new window.
- Multi-functional street-scale blue-green infrastructure - Translating potential into actual ecosystem services delivery (2021-2024)
External link, opens in new window.
- Urban stormwater research in cold climates: an evidence synthesis (2023-2024)
External link, opens in new window.