Marie Nordlund
Visiting lecturer
Division: Education and Languages
Department of Health, Education and Technology
Luleå, C356
About me
Marie Nordlund (Ph.D. English linguistics, B.Ed. for the Compulsory school in English, French and History, MA Language teaching and learning) is currently employed as a senior lecturer at Luleå University of Technology, Department of Health, Education and Technology, where her main teaching subjects are English linguistics and language methodology within the teacher education programmes.
Her dissertation From physical to mental acquisition: a corpus-based study of verbs (2008) treats the English verbs acquire, buy, gather, grasp, receive and seize. The analyses of the verbs are based on material collected from the British National Corpus.
In current research, Marie still uses corpus data, but the focus is now mainly within the field of applied linguistics and vocabulary acquisition. In particular, it is how and what vocabulary is presented in textbooks aimed at younger learners that interest her. After having created a searchable corpus of the texts in the two teaching materials Good Stuff and New Champion aimed at school years 4–6 in Sweden, she has carried out comparative analyses of vocabulary in the textbooks. Together with her colleague Cathrine Norberg she is currently involved in a similar research project focusing on vocabulary in textbooks aimed at school years 3–4.
Since 2019, Marie has been project leader of 21c literacies for 21c Sweden, a three-year long project financed by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research. The project focusses on pupils' searching for and reading English texts online. Also members of the project are Lydia Kokkola (Oulu University) and Ulla Rydström (lead teacher in English at Luleå High School).
Marie is a member of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, the Swedish Association of Applied Linguistics, the Swedish Society for the Study of English (SWESSE) and Swedish Language Teachers’ Association. She was previously also a member of the former Swedish team of John Benjamins’ MetBib organization, Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy.