Marcus Öhman
Professor and Head of Subject
Research subject: Energy Engineering
Division: Energy Science
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E145
About me
Degrees in energy engineering and inorganic- (high temperature) chemistry. PhD in inorganic- (high temperature) chemistry (Umeå University) and Associate Professor (Docent) in thermo-chemical energy conversion (Umeå University). 30 years of experience in R&D work in the area of thermochemical biomass conversion both at the Division of Energy Science at Luleå University of Technology (Chaired Prof 2007- ), the Department of Inorganic Chemistry/Energy Technology and Thermal Process Chemistry at Umeå University (Assistant Professor 2003-2006, Senior Lecturer 2003, Adj. Senior Lecturer 2002-2003, Ph D student 1995-1999, Project Assistant 1993-1994), the Energy Technology Center in Piteå (Research Leader 2006, Laboratory Manager/Senior Scientist 1999-2003, Development Manager 1997-1998) and in my own company Energiteknik i Norr (1997-2001).
Presently (since 2007), chaired Professor in Energy Engineering and Head of Division, Division of Energy Science at Luleå University of Technology.
Area of expertise: 30 years of experience in R&D work in the area of thermochemical biomass conversion and high-temperature chemistry/-processes, including material recovery, gaseous- and particle emissions, pollution control, ash-related problems (e.g., bed agglomeration, slagging, fouling, corrosion) ash formation processes (e.g., P-, Si-, K-recovery), fuel characterization, combustion/ gasification characterization.
Experience of disseminating results to stakeholders/end users: Extensive and close collaboration with industry and institutes, especially LKAB, Skellefteå Kraft AB, Vattenfall, Andritz, Sibelco, BEST, RISE, Swerim, VTT, Sintef and local, regional, national and international small to medium-sized enterprises. About 70 collaborative research projects; end users/stakeholders have been participated in about 2/3 of the projects. More than 70 industrial consultations and about 40 industrial-/branch lectures.
Special commissions: Member or previous member of several different program and company boards (Energy technology centre in Piteå, SP Energy Technology Center AB, RISE Energy Technology Center, Swedish centre for biomass gasification, Black liquor gasification program, Etanol Pilot i Sverige AB, f3) and steering groups and evaluation panels (Bio4Energy, the future area SUN at LTU, BEST:s (an Austrian bioenergy institute) International Scientific Advisory Board, the appointment board at LTU, the Foundation for Sustainable Transformation in the Mining and Mineral Industry, Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Center for mining and metallurgy, Swedish research council - Infrastructure for research on the earth and its near surroundings, Swedish research council - Advisory Group C linked to the research council for infrastructures: High technology laboratories for Subatomic Physics, Materials Science and Life Sciences,Swedish thermal foundation).
Publications:h-index 40 (Scopus). Currently published 118 scientific journal papers. 150+ conference publications and technical reports.
Supervision: Supervised 5 post docs, 30+ PhD-students (15 as the principal supervisor) and numerous MSc and BSc-students to exam.
Supports – as principal investigator: The Swedish Research Council, The Swedish Research Council Formas, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, VINNOVA, EC Regional Funds, EC-Interreg, EC-ERA NET, EC-FP7, Thermal Engineering Foundation, Peat Users Association, The Swedish Water & Wastewater Association, Norrbotten County Council, The County Administration Board of Norrbotten, The North Calotte Council, The Kempe Foundation, Several national and international stakeholders.
F7010T Fuels, combustion and gasification technologies
F7013T Energy technology, project course
W0016T Fuels and combustion technologies
X0013T Combustion and introduction to the Swedish energy system
Outdoor life, Fishing, Hunting, Running