Rikard Gebart
Professor Emeritus, Professor Emeritus
Research subject: Energy Engineering
Division: Energy Science
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E153
About me
Professor Rikard Gebart graduated with a Lic. Eng. in fluid dynamics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 1988 and a Ph.D. in fluid dynamics from the Luleå University of Technology 1993. In 1998 he was promoted to Docent by the faculty of technology at Luleå University of Technology. He has been working with advanced fluid mechanics research since 1984 both in industry (ABB Corporate Research), at several research institutes (SICOMP, CERN and ETC) and in academic positions (Luleå University of Technology). Dr Gebart has been leading research and development projects since 1985 when he managed the development of a crucial component in nuclear reactor technology at ABB ATOM for which he later obtained a US patent. He has also been supervising and advising more than seven PhD students in several different research areas. Dr Gebart has extensive experience from computer simulations (CFD) and fluid dynamics experiments (hot-wire, LDV and advanced visualisation methods). Presently, Dr Gebart is managing director of ETC and adjunct professor at the Luleå University of Technology.
My research interests include optimization methods, numerical methods for fluid dynamics, turbulence modelling, industrial processes, manufacturing of composites, hydro & gas turbines and biomass gasification and combustion. I have been coordinating a national research program on black liquor gasification with participation from 6 universities and research institutes since 2001. I am also a member of the Swedish Flame Research Foundation, the advisory group for gasification and the advisory group for cellulose-to-ethanol technology to the Swedish Energy Agency.Teaching
Presently I teach graduate courses in combustion modelling, turbulence and computational fluid mechanics.
As an adjunct professor time constraints do not allow me to teach undergraduate courses but in the past I have been teaching basic fluid mechanics, applied fluid dynamics, hydropower technology, computational fluid dynamics and other courses in applied mechanics and classical physics.
In my spare time I prefer to ride horses (western) and do all sorts of outdoor activities (skiing, skating, hiking etc). I am spending a lot of time with our horses (a pony and an American Quarter Horse) and I am also active in the local western riding club (Midnattssolens Westernryttare = Western Riders of the Midnight Sun) competing and organising horse shows.Updated: