Ulf Bodin
Research subject: Cyber-Physical Systems
Division: Embedded Intelligent Systems LAB
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
Luleå, A2209
About me
About me
I am a professor at the Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering and work with research on Cyber-Physical Systems at EISLAB (Embedded Internet Systems LAB). Previously I have been working 15 years in the data- and telecommunications industry, for the companies Telia, Operax and NetSocket. I have also worked four years in ETSI and have contributed to other standardization organizations such as the IETF, DSL forum, ITU-T, and the multi-service forum (MSF).
Presently I am leading a project called ALDEE addressing the automation of working machines using machine learning. I also participates in Arrowhead Tools, one of largest projects in Europe on industrial automation in which I focus on secure data sharing, authorization and software management in industrial systems. I am further involved in the projects DigiPrime in which I work with distributed ledger technologies, aka known as block-chains, and Connected Construction Site (Swe, Uppkopplad byggplats).
For further information on my work, please browse through the publications below and contact me for further discussions. More information is also available at LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulf-bodin-b54106/