Apply for deferment
If you have special reasons to start your studies another semester you can apply for a deferment.
If you have been admitted to a programme but cannot start that semester, you can apply for a deferment of the start of your studies. Deferment is normally granted until the next start of the programme. The deferment period may not exceed 18 months unless there are exceptional reasons for a longer period (UHRFS 2013:3) External link..
Valid reasons for deferment
Special reasons for deferment may be social, medical or other special circumstances such as caring for children, military or civilian service, student union assignments, basic military training under the Ordinance on Basic Military Training or deferment leave under the Act on Employees' Right to Leave for Education (UHRFS 2016:1) External link..
Applying for deferment
You must apply for a deferral at the Admissions Office at Luleå University of Technology and prove the reasons you want to invoke with certificates such as a medical certificate, personal certificate for children, decision on compulsory service or certificates from employers. The application can be submitted after the admission notice is published on at the earliest, the application form will then be available at the bottom of this page. If you send the application and certificate by e-mail, it must be scanned and sent as a PDF file. The application closes after the reserve admission for that round is closed. The form will be removed from this page.
Send the document to or:
Luleå University of Technology
971 87 Luleå, Sweden
If you are granted a deferment
If you are granted a deferral, you will be notified by email. You will receive the decision as an attached PDF document. If you then want to start your studies, you must make a new application via and upload the decision that you have been granted a deferral no later than the last day of registration according to the instructions in the decision.
When you are re-admitted, you must also accept the place and register, otherwise you will lose your place.
If you are not granted a deferral
If you wish to appeal the decision, you must do so in writing. Explain what the decision is, how you want it to be changed and why you think it should be changed. In order for your appeal to be considered, your letter must be received by the university within three weeks of the day you received the decision. Include your name, personal identity number, telephone number and email address.
Mark the appeal To Till överklagandenämnden för högskolan and send it to or:
Luleå University of Technology
971 87 Luleå, Sweden.
Deferment application form
Form to apply for deferment Pdf, 68 kB.