Information about library account, loans and renewing of loans, fees, interlibrary loan and interlibrary loan for libraries.
Library account
You need a library account to borrow books. Library accounts can be created for anyone over the age of 18. You do not need to be associated with Luleå University of Technology to get a library account.
The library account is valid at all our libraries:
- University Library, Luleå
- Campus Library Piteå
- Campus Library Skellefteå
- Borrowing terms
Here you will find the borrowing terms that apply to the University Library in Luleå, the University Library in Piteå and the Campus Library in Skellefteå.
Log in to your library account
- Log in to your library account
External link, opens in new window.
Use your Swedish personal ID-number and PIN code.
If you do not have a library account, you can register one below.
Please note that if you don´t have a Swedish personal ID-number your login will be the same numbers that you have on your LTU student card but without the letter T,
for example: 930405-T123 on your card, will be 930405123 when you log in.
Create library account
Student at Luleå University of Technology
- Create library account
External link.
Log in with your LTU user to create the account. Use your full email address as your username.
Employee at Luleå University of Technology or Region Norrbotten
- Form for registering a library account
External link, opens in new window.
Please note that you must use your or address.
Public or student at other universities, colleges or other schools.
Welcome to the library and we will help you. Bring your ID with you.
Loans and renewing of loans
You search for books in the Library Search Tool. If the book is available, you pick it up from the shelf and borrow it from our loan machine.
The loan period is 14 days for course books and 28 days for other books. You can extend the loan if no one is in the queue.
If you study distance education at Luleå University of Technology and live elsewhere, contact a library in your area.
If you want to extend the loan period for your books, you do so via your library account. You log in with your Swedish personal ID-number and your PIN code. If there is a queue for the book, it is not possible to extend the loan.
If a book is on loan, you can reserve it.
Search in the library's search box to make a reservation for the book. You will receive a message when the book is available. The message states how long the book is reserved for you.
If the book is available on the shelf, you pick it up yourself and then borrow it from the loan machine.
Fees and charges
The late fee for course literature is SEK 50 in case of delay and then another SEK 50 if the book is not returned/renewed. The amount is a maximum of SEK 100 per book.
If a book is not returned, we consider it lost. The replacement cost is then 800 SEK per title and is added to the library account. This is the same cost for all types of books and materials. The amount is removed from the account if the material is returned. You will still have to pay the late fee, if any.
Already paid replacement cost cannot be refunded even if the book is returned.
All fees are applied as a debt to the library account, which is blocked until the debt is settled. You can pay your debt online via My Library Account.
Suggested purchases and interlibrary loans
If you need material that is not in our collections, you are welcome to submit a purchase proposal.
We purchase literature that falls within the scope of our subjects.
When we cannot buy what you need, we can place an order from another library, known as interlibrary loan.
This is possible when you need to borrow scientific material for your studies or research that we do not have in our collection.
The service is available to students or those working at a university, college or research institute. For others, we refer you to the nearest municipal library.
Interlibrary loan for libraries
Libraries that want to order from us should primarily order through Libris. Otherwise, please contact us using the form below. Each library can extend interlibrary loans themselves. Contact the library for login details.