Municipalities of Norrbotten
The Memorandum of Understanding on strategic collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and Norrbotten's municipalities was written in 2017.
The purpose of the collaboration
- Deepened and broadened collaboration to jointly work for municipal development in skills development, health and care, digitisation, education, and research development and innovation.
- Clarify how the parties can strengthen a long-term and strategic collaboration
- Contribute to strengthening knowledge development, attractiveness and welfare in the municipalities in Norrbotten.
- Increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of both the municipalities in Norrbotten and the University.
Collaboration areas and concrete activities will be developed according to the needs identified in annual dialogues between the partners' management and an established steering group for collaboration.
Collaboration on
- Skills development and digitalisation
- Research, development and innovation
Norrbotten's municipalities are an interest organisation that represents the county's 14 northernmost municipalities and works for increased municipal cooperation and sustainable community building. Through collaboration, competitive arenas for dialog and knowledge development are created, which gives the municipalities in Norrbotten a unified and clear voice, both at home and abroad.
Through deeper cooperation and common priorities, the overall ability can be strengthened. The partners will promote and support joint applications for education, research and development funds with the aim of building sustainable structures for competence, innovation and growth in the region.
Municipalities of Norrbotten External link, opens in new window.