Guidance on thesis projects
A thesis is a major piece of work undertaken by students at the end of their studies. What they look like, the conditions and what they can contain vary greatly depending on the type of course they are in. Engineering programs carry out what is called Ex-jobs while other programs carry out essays at different levels C and D essays.
It is common for students to write an independent thesis at Bachelor, Master or Master's level, but theses also take other forms, such as in artistic education. Writing a thesis is a major piece of work where students are expected to work independently, often with a company or organization. The academic work is done with the support of a professor. Many of the students appreciate if their theses can be linked to real challenges and problems in companies or organizations. The aim of a thesis is to convey relevant and well-structured information in a limited area. Therefore, it is common that students themselves contact companies and organizations that they find interesting and exciting. Equally, companies and organizations themselves can come up with ideas about what a thesis could be about.
What is a thesis project?
The scope of a thesis varies between 10-20 weeks of full-time study. The university's designated supervisor must approve the research question and the structure of the work. The final work is also finally approved at the department by the appointed examiner. Degree projects are called Exjobb in the Faculty of Engineering and start in January with completion in May/June. Many students who are going to carry out a Thesis are looking for partners already during the fall. In the Faculty of Philosophy, degree projects are often carried out in C and D thesis, but other types of examinations can also be active. Theses are carried out every semester.
What is required of me as a supervisor of a thesis project?
Not much is required, but here is some good advice:
- It is important to talk through the expectations and conditions between you as a client and the student(s) who will do the work. In some programs, students expect a fee, while in others the work is done completely free of charge. However, we recommend that you as a client pay for any travel and expenses incurred by the student. Costs should be clarified in the contract. Compensation/salary to the student is a matter of negotiation between the company and the individual student. However, it is not a requirement and the university has no part in such an agreement.
- Feel free to discuss with the students what the assignment should be about. Being flexible about the problem and focus of the assignment often makes the work more dynamic and rewarding for both parties.
- Appoint one or two people within the organization to be the contact person and supervisor for the students. Their role is to be a support, sounding board and coach in the work. The supervisor has no responsibility for the academic requirements but needs to demonstrate an understanding that the work must follow certain given academic frameworks as it is an academic credit work they are doing.
- Think about what needs to be arranged and set aside time for an introduction. A tour and presentation of the organization's employees is important to make students feel welcome. Prepare the workplace and schedule some initial check-in meetings. Plan continuous time for discussions and follow-up with the student. The better the start of the collaboration, the easier it is for the students to deliver really good work. Maybe the student will be the next new recruit? First impressions are always important.
- Give the student good conditions for collecting information and data for their work. This may include access to materials, staff and opportunities to attend meetings.
How does cooperation with the university supervisor take place?
The university's appointed supervisor is always the main supervisor and must guide the student in terms of research methodology and ensure that the work has a scientific approach. He or she also decides whether the work is finally approved in the program. The university supervisor guides and controls the students so that the work is carried out according to the academic and scientific approach required for examination.
Presentation of the thesis project
Upon completion of the assignment, the students must present their work at a final seminar at the university. The company/organization is welcome to be represented. If the company wants its own presentation of the work, the students often agree to this. Just keep in mind that many students leave the place of study after completing the examination, so plan the presentation well in advance.
Confidentiality and agreements
We recommend that costs should be clarified in agreements with the students; material collection, analysis, travel. Agreements can also be written about the responsibilities of each person.
Students should not enter into agreements regarding confidentiality because the university is a public authority and is subject to the principle of public access to information. This means that the thesis project is a public document and therefore cannot be kept confidential. Confidential information and documentation should therefore not be included in the assignment that students carry out.