Knowledge clusters
By joining forces and developing strategic partnerships, we strengthen companies and organizations with development and growth. Our different knowledge clusters can be Centre formations, centres or other formalized collaborations.
Arctic Center for Energy – ACE
Arctic Center of Energy (ACE) is a collaborative center for the sustainable society's energy transition created by Luleå University of Technology, Northvolt, RISE, Skellefteå kraft and Skellefteå municipality.
The vision for the Arctic Centre of Energy is to be a world-leading center for the integration of education and research to support society's energy transition. Through research and active projects, we work with the entire battery value chain and society's transition to a sustainable and electrified energy supply as well as the competence needs required for this to happen. ACE is a center for learning, research and transformation.
The partnership works with a focus on education, lifelong learning and research on future sustainable energy solutions that can help enable a sustainable global transformation.
ACE has the ambition to:
- Develop northern Sweden as a global leader for new innovative approaches, solutions and technologies for sustainable energy transformation through increased electrification based on renewable energy.
- Secure and disseminate competence, knowledge and skills for the transition to a society (e.g. transport, industry and buildings) with a renewable energy supply system.
- Develop, test and prove innovative pedagogical models and platforms for the integration of education at all levels related to the electrification of society.
Center for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden (CH2ESS)
CH2ESS is a research and knowledge initiative at Luleå University of Technology with a focus on hydrogen use in industrial processes and energy systems, in close collaboration with Swedish industry.
Hydrogen is the key to a fossil-free energy system and we are involved in securing this development in Sweden through groundbreaking research and competence supply. Luleå University of Technology is a strong research and education partner to the Swedish hydrogen industry with the goal of replacing fossil fuels and managing the global climate transition.
Center of Intelligent Asset Management (CIAM)
The Centre of Intelligent Asset Management (CIAM), at Luleå University of Technology, will promote and establish close collaboration between the university and external partners in industry and the public sector. Our goal is to create a leading, competitive national and international collaborative platform for research, development and innovation in asset management.
Center for Advanced Mining Technology and Metallurgy
Basic research for a sustainable mining industry.
In 2008/2009, the Swedish government established 23 Strategic Research Areas (SFO) across Sweden, with the aim of developing internationally excellent research environments to solve key social issues in a long-term perspective,
Center for Advanced Mining and Metallurgy, was created at Luleå University of Technology as the strategic research area for sustainable use of natural resources.
Luleå University of Technology is recognized as Sweden's leading university for applied research and education in mining and metallurgy and conducts research in close collaboration with industry. CAMM has five core research areas along the mining value chain:
- Research
- mining
- mineral processing
- metallurgy
- environment
Center for Distance Bridging Technology (CDT)
CDT's main task is to apply research results by promoting cooperation between Luleå University of Technology, industry and society. Our focus is on digitalization and sustainability, and together with our partners we work to develop society.
Center for High Performance Steel (CHS)
The Center for High Performance Steel at Luleå University of Technology is based on a unique position of strength. Industrial development in collaboration with academic research has put Sweden and the Luleå region on the world map in the field of high performance steel.
Center for Medical Technology and Physics (CMTF)
Medical technology is a rapidly developing industry and interdisciplinary research field. Through the Center for Medical Technology and Physics, Umeå University and Luleå University of Technology are leading the rapid development of the interdisciplinary research field of medical technology. This is done in collaboration with Region Västerbotten, Region Norrbotten and the business community. Together we form a strong engine for regional growth that brings together medical technology research and expertise in Norrland. The goal is methods, products and services for better and safer healthcare.
Center for Space Technology (CRT)
The Center for Space Technology acts as a community-building interface between academia and industry. Luleå University of Technology has an obvious place on Sweden's space map and together with our partners we make a difference in the space area in both research and application as well as education.
Center for Community and Critical Infrastructure Security (CiSS)
The ongoing digitalization of society and organizations results in an increased need for security solutions and secure digital behaviour among employees. By combining people, organization and technology within the centre, good opportunities arise to address challenges both at the societal level and in working life.
The Centre for Information Security and Cybersecurity focuses on two directions: organizational information security and technical security engineering. Information security applies a human-technology-organization perspective and has a broader focus. Cybersecurity focuses on critical infrastructure and application in several related areas.
DRIZZLE – Centre for Stormwater Management
“DRIZZLE – Centre for Stormwater Management” is one of Vinnova funded competence centers for research in areas of importance for Sweden. Within DRIZZLE, excellent, needs-driven research is conducted that creates knowledge to support the development of research-based, adapted, sustainable stormwater management solutions. DRIZZLE’s vision is to develop pioneering, research-based stormwater management solutions, to minimize pollution loads on receiving waters; to minimize the risk for flooding in urban areas; and to capture the opportunities that stormwater runoff can offer.
Railway Technology Center (JVTC )
The JVTC conducts applied R&I in operations and maintenance to strengthen the rail transport system. JVTC provides a platform for effective cross-border cooperation between universities, companies and authorities.
Meeting Place Social Innovation (MSI)
Luleå University of Technology is part of Mötesplats Social Innovation (MSI), the unifying national knowledge and collaboration platform for social innovation and social entrepreneurship.
The main task of the meeting place is to actively follow what is happening in the field, both in Sweden and internationally, and ensure that knowledge and experiences are developed, shared and used.
Together with academia, business, public and non-profit actors, capacity is built for innovation that meets societal challenges.
ProcessIT Innovations
ProcessIT Innovations is a collaboration center for the process and engineering industries, universities and IT companies in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in particular.
Swedish Gasification Center (SFC)
SFC is a Center of Excellence and one of the largest investments in competence development in the field of gasification of biomass and waste in the world. SFC is created to coordinate and support established Swedish research in the field. Our center is a key national player in developing new knowledge needed to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and to reduce our net greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. The research program, which started in 2011, is a ten-year program with a total budget of 540 million SEK (about 54 million Euro) and where one third of the funding comes from the Swedish Energy Agency, one third from industry partners and one third from academia.
- About the Swedish Gasification Center
Stormwater&Sewers – A Competence Network in Urban Water Engineering
Stormwater&Sewers develops and disseminates research-based knowledge and builds networks within stormwater, sewer and resource-efficient small sanitation systems, based on the needs of society, sustainability and wise use of resources, and in close collaboration with private and public stakeholders.
Swebrec - Competence center for blasting technology
Swebrec focuses on rock blasting and its effects, from environmental effects of blasting to mine production. The research projects are divided into:
Research portfolio (revised annually)
Joint projects with other academic partners and industry
Contract research
Swebrec is an internationally established center of excellence in the blasting industry. Swebrec will have a large academic and industrial network, creating benefits for its stakeholders. National and international researchers in rock engineering should be well aware of our activities and be seen as the strongest partner in civil blasting.
Swedish Sports Technology and Performance Research Centre
The Centre for Sports and Performance Technology (SPORTC) is a new research centre at Luleå University of Technology aimed at conducting multidisciplinary, activity-centred research, focused on performance and technology within sports and health. This in close cooperation with the Swedish Olympic Committee, national sports confederations, regional and municipal bodies and the business community in general.
Norrlandsnavet - Center for business development
Norrlandsnavet is a center for business development in northern Sweden in collaboration with the Kamprad Family Foundation and Luleå University of Technology. We give small and medium-sized companies in northern Sweden the opportunity to develop their business with the help of research and education.
For companies with ambition
Do you and your company want to develop and grow? Norrlandsnavet is the center for companies with ambitions to be better. Based on the needs of companies in northern Sweden, the center will, with the help of education and research, contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of companies and business activities in northern Sweden. In Ingvar Kamprad's own words: for the development of business activities in Norrland.
Social Innovation Meeting Point (MSI)
What exactly is a social innovation? Simply put, it is an innovation that creates new solutions to current societal challenges. Libraries, public dental services, fire brigades and preschools are now commonplace in our lives, and they have all emerged in response to different societal needs.
TräCentrum Norr (TCN)
A center formation at Luleå University of Technology. The goal of TräCentrum Norr is a Swedish wood industry that through new / developed products, systems and services can increase the value added and strengthen competitiveness for the benefit of both companies and the whole society.
WISE is a research program funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW). The aim is to enable sustainable technologies with impact on our society by understanding, creating and controlling complex materials with precision down to the single atom level.
The Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability is the largest ever investment in materials science in Sweden and includes major initiatives at seven of Sweden's leading universities over (at least) 10 years. The aim is to create the conditions for a sustainable society by researching the next generation of environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing processes. This will also facilitate better technologies for future energy systems and to combat climate change, pollution and toxic emissions. Specifically, efforts will be devoted to identifying new or significantly improved materials, which offer a clear advantage in physical, chemical, biological or functional performance over existing materials and technologies. These are materials that require fewer resources, are less harmful to the environment and enable sound and efficient recycling processes. WISE will also explore materials that, when used in energy technologies, generate less negative climate impact during operation, while offering high performance and efficiency when used at scale.