After the course, the students will have general knowledge about the Swedish society and the political and social system governing the country.
The course consists of two parts. The first part introduces the Swedish society and the political and juridical system, its historical development and present organization. The emphasis is on the distinguishing features of the Swedish system. What is characteristic for the Swedish way of living and the Swedish governance system?
The second part of the course consists of project work. The aim of the project is to pursue a comparative analysis of some aspect of the Swedish system and the conditions in the student’s home country. What are the differences and similarities between the two countries? The work result in a written report presented and discussed at a seminar.
Application for Exchange students at LTU
The Swedish Way - history, culture and governance in Sweden
Period 2 - 2, v. 45 2025 - v. 3 2026, no module, LuleåNormal teachingDay-time 50%Autumn 2025
Period:Period 2 - 2, v. 45 2025 - v. 3 2026, no module
Entry requirements:In order to meet the general entry requirements for first cycle studies you must have successfully completed upper secondary education and have documented skills in English language. Exemption for Swedish A and B / Swedish 1-3. +
Swedish upper secondary school course English 6.
Selection:The selection is based on final school grades or Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test.
Application information:
Course offered in English to prospective exchange student, nominated for exchange by home university.
After the course, the students will have general knowledge about the Swedish society and the political and social system governing the country.
The course consists of two parts. The first part introduces the Swedish society and the political and juridical system, its historical development and present organization. The emphasis is on the distinguishing features of the Swedish system. What is characteristic for the Swedish way of living and the Swedish governance system?
The second part of the course consists of project work. The aim of the project is to pursue a comparative analysis of some aspect of the Swedish system and the conditions in the student’s home country. What are the differences and similarities between the two countries? The work result in a written report presented and discussed at a seminar.
Entry requirements:In order to meet the general entry requirements for first cycle studies you must have successfully completed upper secondary education and have documented skills in English language. Exemption for Swedish A and B / Swedish 1-3. +
Swedish upper secondary school course English 6.
Selection:The selection is based on final school grades or Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test.
Application information:
Course offered in English to prospective exchange student, nominated for exchange by home university.