Insurance for Erasmus Mundus students
Medical Insurance
Erasmus Mundus scholars have got a medical insurance included in their scholarship. Please contact the Coordinating university for more information or ask your LTU programme coordinator.
Students without Erasmus Mundus scholarship have to arrange the medical insurance themselves.
Property insurance
It is also recommended that you get a property insurance that covers costs if you, for example, cause any damage to other people’s property or in your accommodation. This type of an insurance should be arranged before coming to Sweden, as most Erasmus Mundus would not be able to arrange in Sweden.
Personal injury insurance
All students, irrespective of nationality, who are registered for studies at LTU are automatically insured by the Kammarkollegiet Personal Injury Insurance. This insurance is valid during school hours, and on your journey to and from school. If an incident has occurred during any of those times, please go by Service Point and they will give you the form that you need to fill in.