Medical Insurance - non-EU/EEA citizens
Non-EU/EEA students required to pay tuition fees directly to LTU are covered by the Kammarkollegiet insurance for foreign students in Sweden, FAS+ External link.. Please contact Maria Vyatkina for further information.
Even if you are covered by FAS+, we recommend all tuition fee paying students to arrange for the Swedish social security number from the Swedish Tax Agency upon your arrival (if you are staying with us for more than 365 days). Please note, Swedish social security number is sometimes referred as “personal number”.
Medical insurance - EU/EEA citizens
The main principle of the EU agreement is that a citizen of any EU country will get same benefits from the social security system as the citizens of the EU country where he or she is studying. Students must have the European Social Insurance card with them from their own local Social Security Office in order to be covered by the scheme. We recommend, however, to arrange the Swedish social security number from the Tax Agency as soon as you can (for those students staying longer than 365 days). Please note, Swedish social security number is sometimes referred as “personal number”.
Property insurance
Upon arrival it is also recommended that you get a property insurance that covers costs if you, for example, cause any damage to other people’s property or in your accommodation. This type of an insurance, however, can only be arranged in Sweden if you possess the full Swedish social security number. Otherwise, you have to arrange for it in your home country.
FAS+ External link., eligible for fee paying students, includes property cover.
Personal injury insurance
All students, irrespective of nationality, who are registered for studies at LTU are automatically insured by the Kammarkollegiet Personal Injury Insurance. This insurance is valid during school hours, and on your journey to and from school. If an incident has occurred during any of those times, please go by Service Point and they will give you the form that you need to fill in.