Meet a teacher - Petter Sundkvist, Professor of Orchestral conducting
Students of the Contemporary Music Academy, meet Professor Petter Sundkvist – a conductor with a broad repertoire. He has conducted Symphony Orchestras throughout Scandinavia and numerous other countries, more than 30 opera productions and some 50 CD-recordings.
Hello there, who are you?
– I am a conductor who has worked professionally since 1989. I have conducted everything from opera to chamber opera, symphony orchestra to chamber orchestra, baroque to contemporary music. I have worked at the School of Music in Piteå since 2000 and as a professor since 2003.
What are you like as a teacher?
– My parents were teachers and I was raised in an environment with a strong believe in Bildung. I strive to put knowledge into a larger context and meet each student by their own merits. Something which is at times demanding, but mostly inspiring.
Why is it so fun to teach?
– Teaching is not a one-way communication. My experience is that I do grow and learn a lot myself in interaction with students, who are mostly younger but sometimes peers and older. Acknowledging all of the amazing teachers I have had along the way, I feel privileged to share this and the experiences I have gained myself.
What do you want the students to get from your courses?
– The syllabuses clearly express what objectives we should reach. Since musical skills cannot be measured in the same exact way as math skills, the goals to a certain extent have to be personalized. Above all my hope is that you after the completed course, will have a need to further investigate and the ocean of experiences and opportunities art music is, whether it occurs as a performer or a listener.
Is there something specific in your career that you are particularly proud of?
– I would like to highlight two things that are maybe somewhat closer to the heart. The series of CD recordings with music by Joseph Martin Kraus and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra. A work that went on for years and where we had the opportunity to lift a composer from the oblivion of history. I would also like to highlight the Norrbotten NEO ensemble that was founded in 2007 and where Sweden for the first time got a fully professional ensemble dedicated to contemporary art music.