“There are an incredible number of qualified teachers”
Mikael Mannberg studied the Master Programme in Music Performance, specialisation Classical Guitar.
Hey there, who are you?
“I am a classical guitarist from Västerås, which occur quite regularly, often accompanied by other musicians and often with their own compositions. I've written a few articles for guitar magazines and has composed some commissioned work for various guitarists.”
Why are you studying the Master Programme in Music Performance?
“I have previously studied the Bachelor Programme in Music, Classical Guitar, here in Piteå, and I really liked it. There are an incredible number of competent teachers here. I have always had the image of that the Master Programme here provides an opportunity to work structured with more complex topics and research in music, and that you get much time to indulge in their your practice.”
What's the most fun with your education?
“The opportunities for exercise, focus on their instruments and resources to market themselves and create a great brand is excellent at school. This creates commitment, and I think this is fun.”
What is the hardest?
“It was a difficult question to answer. I guess I could mention the challenges encountered in preparing for running a large number of them at a high level, it should surely be prepared for. In a few days I will present a dissertation,which is interesting but complicated.”
What the students will do in your spare time?
“Practice and compose guess. But also socialize and sometimes they practice together. It's nice here, with a social proximity to all and a good atmosphere among the people in general. And that you hang out a lot, it may well also might lead to interesting collaborations and ideas.”