27 February 2018
Ten million to develop teacher leadership
Teacher leadership is a key factor in motivating young people to higher education. In a joint venture from Kiruna municipality, LKAB and Luleå University of Technology, 130 teachers and preschool teachers in Kiruna will undergo a leadership program.
The new collaboration, that has a budget close to ten million SEK and will last for five years, is a continuation of an interdisciplinary project funded by LKAB Academy for encouraging children and youths in the north of Sweden to higher education
– The school is an enormously important arena for the future skills supply. We know from research that teacher leadership is a key factor for students' motivation and achievement at school, as well as the attitude towards higher education. The planned activities will develop teacher leadership in Kiruna municipality, says Malin Malmström, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Luleå University of Technology.
Encourage to higher education
She adds:
– Children's curiosity and interest in different subjects are founded early, already in preschool. We hope this project will be a support for teachers to encourage children and young people to take advantage of the potential they have.
LKAB funds half of the new project, that is a collaboration between LKAB, Kiruna municipality, Luleå University of Technology and IPF.
A total of 130 preschool teachers and primary school teachers in Kiruna municipality will attend a leadership program in the next five years to develop their leadership inside and outside the classroom. Project leader is Anna Öqvist, Luleå University of Technology.
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