8 November 2018
Nordea Science Prize to Åsa Engström
Åsa Engström, professor of nursing at Luleå University of Technology, has been awarded The 2018 Science Prize from Nordea’s Norrland Foundation.
– It is a very honorable award that means a lot to me as a person, but also to the subject of nursing. The ambition with my research is that it will lead to measures that can reduce suffering, and that people who suffer from health problems or illness can achieve health and well-being again, says Åsa Engström.
The Nordea Science Prize was established in 2006 by Nordea's Norrland Foundation and is awarded to prominent researchers at Luleå University of Technology. The prize amount is 100,000 SEK.
– An important effort from Nordea's part is to be a leader in sustainable finances and enable our customers to shift to a sustainable future. It therefore feels both valuable and important to award Nordea Science Prize to a prominent researcher who has devoted her research to making people feel better. To me, this is a great expression of long-term sustainability, says Anna Edin, head of Nordea’s Luleå office.
The prize committe consists of the head of Nordea’s Luleå office, the vice-chancellor and deans at Luleå University of Technology.