11 November 2018
Researchers congratulated at academic ceremony
During the year, Luleå University of Technology has gotten 17 new Professors, 73 new Doctors and three Honorary Doctors. The achievements were celebrated traditionally at the University's academic ceremony.
Every November, an Academic ceremony is held at Luleå University of Technology as a celebration of the academic achievements of the year.
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor at Luleå University of Technology, emphasized the university's important role in the development towards a more sustainable society.
– The Academic Ceremony is a day when we show the widht and depth of our university. We highlight results, innovations and collaborations between researchers, over traditional scientific boundaries and with the surrounding community - all in order to shape a better and more sustainable future, Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn said.
Research that breaks new ground
About 400 people were were in place at this year's ceremony in Aula Aurora last Saturday for the promotion of new doctors and the three new honorary doctors Lars Martinson, Lilian Ryd and Gertrud Åström. The University's new professors were inaugurated and researchers got awarded.
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn raised important research results and progress during the past year, ranging from methods of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to a successful project that aims to promote physical activity among children. She also emphasized the importance of a university thinking new and free - not least to attract future generations of students.
– In order to meet the skills supply needs in Sweden, we must challenge existing education traditions and dare to break new ground. It will require curious and motivated teachers as well as engaged external partners. Therefore, I invite everyone who want to participate in the development of tomorrow's learning together with us.
The chamber choir from the University's School of Music performed at the ceremony together with the conductors Karin Fahlén, Sigurður Árni Jónsson, Erik Westberg, and the soprano solist Emil Heikkilä.
Banquet with space as theme
During the subsequent banquet, speaches were held by Vice-Chancellor Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Örjan Johansson, new professor of Technical Acoustics, PhD doctor Elisabeth Häggquist, Honorary Doctor Gertrud Åström and Governor Björn O. Nilsson.
During the banquet, Anna-Sara Lantz and Mathias Lundquist and Snapsakademien at Luleå University of Technology performed.
The menu composed by top chef Simon Laiti, included beet terrine with Chèvre crème, reindeer with parsley root and the dessert Space dome made of chocolate mousse and sea buchthorn.