24 June 2019
Test environment for the future mobile network opened
Luleå University of Technology has one of Sweden's first test environments for the fifth generation mobile phone network, 5G. – The infrastructure is crucial for all technological development in healthcare, learning, mining and other industry, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor of Luleå University of Technology.
The purpose of the 5G installation is to establish a research and innovation environment where companies, students and organisations can jointly test new ideas and applications. The aim is to contribute to greater and faster development steps and build future digital solutions. The University has made major investments in research related to data centers, Machine Learning and Artifical Intelligens, and the 5G techology is a prerequisit to drive those investments forward, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.
– We cannot be excellent in those research areas if we are not at the forefront of digital technology, and 5G is the future. This installation is also an important contribution to the University's work to establish northern Sweden as an attractive test region, she says.
Open test environment provides societal benefit
5G implies improvements for higher data rates, shorter delays and higher reliability. At first, 5G is expected to satisfy the industry's needs, but in the long term, the technology will also allow individual consumers to get faster connections. With new antenna technology, 5G technology can also contribute to improved coverage in sparsely populated areas.
– We are pleased to now be able to offer an open environment where different partners can test and create innovations that will benefit the users, says Karl Andersson, Associate Professor of Pervasive and Mobile Computing at Luleå University of Techology.
Mats Lundbäck, Head of Telia Innovation, says that 5G creates the conditions for companies to further develop their services and products, but also improves coverage in sparsely populated areas.
– 5G has the opportunity to reduce the obstacles that sometimes exist with great distances in the Arctic region, says Mats Lundbäck.