Anders Sundström becomes chairman of Luleå University of Technology's new external advisory board. Photo: Mattias Andersson/SCA
28 February 2020
Anders Sundström chair of the university's new advisory board
Future technology, sustainable natural resources and the development of the region. Strategic initiatives to find solutions to challenges in these three areas are the main focus of Luleå University of Technology's new external advisory board – which will be chaired by Anders Sundström.
The purpose of the newly established advisory board is to identify new collaborative partners and increase the University's external funding through gifts and donations in order to actively contribute to a positive social development. The initiative comes from vice-chancellor Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, who, for the University's 50th anniversary in 2021, wants to create new arenas for successfull ideas and collaborations.
– We have chosen three areas for strategic initiatives where Luleå University of Technology has a great opportunity to influence the future: sustainable natural resources, future technology and the region's development, she says.
Contributes to solve major challenges
The advisory board, which will consist of representatives from the business enterprises and the surrounding community, will ensure that the University's future initiatives contribute with solutions to major challenges. Chairman will be Anders Sundström, with long experience from Swedish business and several board assignments in large companies.
– Luleå University of Technology means a lot to Swedish innovation climate and technological development. I am delighted to be able, together with a group of senior advisers from the business community, to contribute to further developing the university. I feel honored by the assignment, says Anders Sundström, who was previously chairman of the board of Luleå University of Technology.
Another member of the advisory board is Elisabeth Nilsson, one of Sweden's first female rock engineers, who has been the CEO of SSAB Merox and Jernkontoret and the governor of Östergötland county. She is also an honorary doctor at Luleå University of Technology.
– By combining the university's accumulated knowledge with these experienced people, we will make investments that for society towards a desirable, sustainable future, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.
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