Joakim Abrahamsson will lead the elite sports environment at Luleå University of Technology. Photo: Simon Eliasson
9 March 2020
Former national team manager new leader for elite sports environment
Former national cross-country team manager Joakim Abrahamsson is the new leader and coach for elite sports at Luleå University of Technology, with a special focus on cross-country skiing, biathlon and ski orienteering.
The Swedish Sports Federation has appointed Luleå University of Technology to an elite sport-friendly university from 2020. All elite athletes who meet the requirements and are active in a sport connected to the Swedish National Sports Federation are welcome to apply. Luleå University of Technology is also planning for an elite environment for cross-country skiing, biathlon and ski orienteering.
Leader for elite sports at Luleå University of Technology will be Joakim Abrahamsson, who will also serve as coach in the above-mentioned ski sports.
– As an elite athlete, it is developing to be in an environment where you can practise with others and share experiences. It's great to be part of building such an environment at Luleå University of Technology, says Joakim Abrahamsson, adding:
– The University has an incredible advantage with its wide range of education and the excellent conditions for winter sports we have in our region. I find it very inspiring to join and help athletes in their dual career – sports and academic studies.
Olympic and World Cup medals
Joakim Abrahamsson is one of sports Sweden's most recognized names. As the national team manager, he led the Swedish cross-country national team to 15 Olympic and World Cup medals. In 2010 he, together with Magnus Ingesson, was awarded as the leader of the year in Swedish sports.
In recent years, Abrahamsson has worked as principal in the hometown of Kalix. He is also active as a coach in the ski club Piteå Elit, including for national team skiers Emma Ribom and Johan Häggström - both of whom have had their big breakthroughs this season.
– I can't see a better person than Joakim Abrahamsson to lead our elite sports environment. He has fantastic qualifications and experiences both from sports' world and as a school leader. We are incredibly happy and proud that he has chosen to start working with us, says Luleå University of Technology's Vice-Chancellor Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.
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