Jan-Olov Johansson, Project Manager at Luleå University of Technology. Photo: Linda Alfredsson
17 June 2020
Investments in the data center industry continue
More business, more employees and new start-ups. These are some of the objectives when researchers at Luleå University of Technology will help small and medium-sized companies in the data center industry to expand.
– The data center industry is global and it is important that the region's companies get the best conditions for getting to know the market and get their business offers ready, says Jan-Olov Johansson, project manager at the Center for distance-spanning technology at Luleå University of Technology.
The data center industry is a relatively young industry in Västerbotten and Norrbotten. Within the framework of the Datacenter Innovation Region project – tillväxt och export, SMEs will be given tools to help them develop and contribute to increased growth. The target group includes companies that own or operate data centers, suppliers to data centers, companies that provide or develop computational and storage-intensive cloud services or companies that provide or develop products based on analysis of large amounts of data. The overall goal of the project is for the region to become a world leader in the area of data centers and large-scale data management within a ten-year period.
– We hope that the participating companies will increase their turnover. In addition, the companies will reach out both nationally and internationally in the area of green and resource-efficient data centers and cloud services, says Jan-Olov Johansson.
Specifically, the measures are about, for example, implementing demand-driven growth and export efforts and initiating and promoting networking and collaboration between companies. The industry-specific innovation system, which is already under development in the Datacenter Innovation Region project, will be further developed to include and support growth and exports. In addition, the project focuses on gender equality and diversity as an active means of increasing the skills and business benefits of the SMEs.
– We have the opportunity to carry out activities closer to the market, which will contribute to the data center industry in northern Sweden. When Luleå University of Technology receives support in its role as motor for the development of the industry, it will inte the long run increase the competitiveness of our companies, concludes Jan-Olov Johansson.