22 February 2021
NorrlandsNavet presents: Lunch and learn - webinars for companies
You bring the food - NorrlandsNavet bring the knowledge. NorrlandsNavet is now starting Lunch and learn, a free, digital seminar series for companies that wants to develop. Eat lunch in front of the screen and at the same time take part in current topics that can inspire and provide new perspectives on how you can develop your business. Smooth, easy and free of charge!
The seminars offer knowledge and inspiration to develop your company's business concept and achieve increased competitiveness. You will take part in opportunities within the theme areas of digitalisation, conversion and business model innovation in entrepreneurship as well as competence development and lifelong learning.
The first seminar, March 17, 2021, is about developing responsible AI and the business opportunities and ethical challenges it entails for companies. The webinar provides an insight into AI, its challenges and opportunities. With great power comes great responsibility, and AI technology is changing everything around us. What do companies and societal actors need to think about in order to develop responsible AI and sustainable innovations that take ethical issues into account?
Anna Ståhlbröst is professor of information systems at Luleå University of Technology. She explains in a pedagogical way how to approach the possibilities of artificial intelligence from both an entrepreneurial and user perspective and problematizes the ethical issues that AI technology raises.