Marcus Liwicki, professor of Machine Learning and Birgitta Bervall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor at Luleå University of Technology.
23 February 2021
AI agenda will bring Sweden forward
The AI agenda for Sweden will strengthen the country's competitiveness and competence. – The University has a strong profile in industrial and applied AI research and education and plays an important role in Sweden's competence supply, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor of Luleå University of Technology.
The work with the AI Agenda for Sweden is led by RISE in collaboration with actors from academia, business, the public sector and civil society. The purpose of the agenda is to accelerate the use of AI through strategic initiatives, coordination and consensus in the areas of research, education, business, the public sector, the general public, and infrastructure. The AI Agenda's proposal aims to accelerate the positive effects of AI use in Swedish society.
– It is important that we jointly gather strength in Sweden to take advantage of the positive effects of AI in society, both short and long term, and in a responsible, inclusive and sustainable way. I hope the AI Agenda can contribute to increased understanding and awareness of AI, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn who has been invovled with working on the agenda.
– Since the AI area is developing very quickly, government investments in research need to increase in order for Sweden to be able to strengthen its global position. We must also remember that it is the use of new technology that creates societal changes.
Priority area
Marcus Liwicki, professor of Machine Learning at Luleå University of Technology, has also participated in the agenda work. He believes that the joined forces proof that the issue is a priority.
– To get a AI Agenda for the whole country, created and shaped by dozens of actors, shows how important and unique this work is. AI must benefit everyone and it requires coordinated and politically supported efforts, says Marcus Liwicki.
Within the framework of the AI Agenda, Luleå University of Technology will contribute with both research and education.
– We are investing in developing interdisciplinary research groups that, in collaboration with external actors, can realize the technical and social science opportunities that AI offers. We also develop new AI educations that address today's and tomorrow's skills needs, and ensure that AI education is available to everyone regardless of where in Sweden you live, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.
Inclusive AI
Marcus Liwicki also points out the importance of requiring a general and broad understanding of AI and that the subject should therefore be introduced already in primary school. General understanding, combined with increased availability of easy-to-use tools, can in the long run enable us to tailor our own AI.
– It can, for example, be a chatbot that handles calendar bookings or customer contacts, an AI that recognizes images you are interested in or a personal AI coach who in collaboration with real teachers helps you when learning.