5 October 2021
SKF in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology’s CH2ESS initiative
SKF is a new partner in Luleå University of Technology's hydrogen initiative CH2ESS. As part of the collaboration, SKF will participate in and fund research within hydrogen use in industrial processes and energy systems, speeding up the development of fossil-free bearing steel.
– Mechanical components are very important to ensure the function and operation in future hydrogen systems. Together with CH2ESS and its partners, we can contribute in designing robust, reliable hydrogen systems, with the lowest possible impact on the environment and on total cost of operation. This will not only benefit Swedish industry, but also global technology development for the future hydrogen economy, Victoria Van Camp, President, SKF Technology, says.
SKF an inmportant contribution to CH2ESS
Luleå University of Technology is through CH2ESS (Center for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden) making an extensive research and education investment in close collaboration with leading basic industries and energy producers. The focus is on hydrogen in industrial processes and energy systems. The core is the university's advanced pilot plant for large-scale industrial experiments, LTU Green Fuels.
– We are very happy that SKF has decided to join our competence centre CH2ESS. The large expertise of SKF in many strategically important areas is a welcome addition to the existing knowledge base in CH2ESS. We are looking forward to an exciting collaboration where we together address the many important problems that are connected to the hydrogen technology, Rikard Gebart says, Program manager CH2ESS and professor in Energy Engineering at Luleå University of Technology.
Real challanges are the starting point
Common to the players is an interest in the important research, innovation and pilot initiatives in the hydrogen area that are being implemented in northern Sweden. The starting point in CH2ESS is real needs and important challenges linked to these hydrogen investments.
Research areas for SKF in CH2ESS will include hybrid ceramic bearings, EVs and other applications, and the development and commercialization of fossil-free bearing steel production. SKF’s expertise in fluid machinery, material science, production technology and IoT solutions will actively contribute to the work.
Partners in CH2ESS (Center for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden) are SKF, LKAB, SSAB, Vattenfall, Hybrit, H2 Green Steel, Skellefteå Kraft, NTNU Energi Team Hydrogen at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Piteå municipality. In the long run, more stakeholders with a hydrogen interest will be included.