10 February 2023
Competence center in road engineering
The Swedish Transport Administration has decided to finance a new competence center in road engineering with almost half a billion SEK over twelve years, during the period 2023 to 2034, with an annual budget of up to 40 million SEK per year.
The competence center consists of five partners active in research related to road engineering, i.e. Lund University of Technology, Chalmers, KTH, Luleå University of Technology and the National Road and Transport Research Institute.
"This will provide significant contributions to research and knowledge related to many parts of road engineering. For Luleå University of Technology there will be a special interest to questions related to slippage, snow, ice, frost heave and thawing as well as how roads should be maintained in future climate conditions," says Charlotta Johansson, head of The Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering and professor of architecture at Luleå University of Technology .
The money will be allocated to new research projects and to strengthening specialist competence needed by society. An important part is related to PhD-student initiatives and to strengthening PhD-student education programs in road engineering. Cooperation between the partners and industry actors will also be in focus.
"The industry faces many challenges and to meet these, more knowledge and more competence are required. I also believe that this investment can contribute to an increased attractiveness of the subject," says Joacim Lundberg, center director and researcher in road engineering at Lund University of Technology.
The work to start the Road Engineering Competence Center is ongoing
After invitation by the Swedish Transport Administration, the proposal for the Road Engineering Competence Center (KCV) was developed by five parties: Lund University of Technology (coordinator), Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Luleå University of Technology (LTU) and the National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). The work to get everything in place continues during the beginning of 2023.
Jan Laue
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-491288
- jan.laue@ltu.se
- Jan Laue
Johan Casselgren
- Associate Professor
- 0920-491409
- johan.casselgren@ltu.se
- Johan Casselgren