3 March 2023
EEIGM is again top rated in the French media
EEIGM ranked 1st among five-year international educations in France! L'Etudiant has carried out the 2023 ranking of French engineering programs.
The program, given at Luleå University of Technology in collaboration with universities in France, Spain and Germany, provides both Swedish and French civil engineering degrees as well as good opportunities for an international career.
In the past, the French newspaper Le Figaro, which annually ranks all higher French educations, has ranked the Master of Science in International Materials Technology (EEIGM) program top in terms of materials education. For the ranking in 2020, the categories "international reputation", "alumni average salary" and "admission grade" were weighted extra highly in the ranking. The newspaper considers it exceptional that roughly 45 percent of all graduating students work outside France within a year of graduation, a figure that is comparatively high.
In addition to Luleå University of Technology, the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine in Nancy, France, la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona Spain and die Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken, Germany are involved in the collaboration.