15 March 2023
The students' startup digitizes the construction of single-family houses
They found each other through the Master Programme in Computer Science and Engineering at Luleå University of Technology. Now the two fellow students have started a company with their own idea. "I saw how bureaucratic processes made it difficult for private individuals to build houses. We have created a digital platform that provides the information and contacts required", says Jonas Bergbom, CEO and co-founder of Devolv.
The idea is that it should be easy to find plots of land, get access to relevant information and get in touch with companies that sell turnkey houses.
"Our search engine combines large amounts of data to find suitable plots of land to build on. There are also bookable municipal plots and plots that are for sale via brokers. Anyone interested in selling or subdividing their plot of land can list it directly on the platform", says Jonas Bergbom.
Guides on the construction process
They have also created a map tool that makes it possible to place single-family houses on the plot in question, to try out where they fit best. With the map tool, it is also possible to get information about soil conditions from the Geological Survey of Sweden, SGU. There are also guides on the construction process and the opportunity to chat directly with sellers of turnkey houses. Today they have an agreement with Älvsbyhus.
Using the platform is free of charge, the business idea is to bring in money via partners, such as Älvsbyhus.
Launching nationwide
They have worked hard and many hours a day for just over a year with their startup. So far they have launched the platform in Skellefteå, but at the beginning of the summer the platform will be launched throughout the country.
We meet in one of the houses belonging to the business village Luleå science park, which is next to the university. Jonas Bergbom tells us that it all started when he and Axel Kangas met at the computer technology course at Luleå University of Technology.
"We started in a group room at the university and now we are working fully on something that we are really passionate about. It shows what can happen when students meet on courses".
Now Jonas Bergbom and Axel Kangas have interrupted their education.
If Jonas Bergbom were to give advice to students who want to start their own business, he would recommend:
" We have made many mistakes, you learn by making mistakes. Do something you're passionate about, something you believe in. Find people you like to be with. I believe in the home, the family and the feelings found in the home. I am convinced that the physical home can contribute to that. That's why I want to democratize the construction of homes in this way", he says.
When starting the work with the idea, they made contact with the innovation office at Luleå University of Technology, and received support in developing the business idea and the innovation. If you follow the link below, it is possible to read more about the services and support offered to students.