11 September 2023
With a focus on Hydrogen-based solutions for ports
A Nordic cooperation-project with a focus on hydrogen-based solutions for ports, was launched today at IVL, Swedish Environmental Research, in Stockholm
The project, led by Luleå University of Technology, will conduct specific studies of the Port of Isafjordur and the Bakki/Husavik area in Iceland, the port of Gothenburg and ports in Norrbotten. During the three-year project period, basic knowledge about different technical solutions as well as facts about the market development of hydrogen gas flows at sea will be disseminated around the world. The project will present suggestions to action plans for the next years until 2030 and 2040, with clear targets for reduced carbon dioxide emissions.
"As we have a number of research projects in hydrogen with a maritime focus, we could identify early on, the need for complementary research from a ports perspective, and are very pleased that this project is now getting off the ground, Julia Hansson says, researcher at IVL, Swedish Environmental Research.
"We need to increase the knowledge about the role of ports in the transition to a more sustainable energy system. I believe this project will make an important contribution to new and important insights", Joakim Lundgren, says, Professor of Energy Engineering at Luleå University of Technology and the main project leader of the project entitled "Hydrogen, Ammonia, and Methanol in Hydrogen Hubs in the Nordic Region, H2AMN”.
Important Nordic hydrogen projects
Luleå University of Technology now leads two of five recently granted research projects in the area of fossil-free hydrogen on the Nordic energy market, within the Joint Nordic Hydrogen Research Programme, which is financed by Nordic Energy Research. The second of these projects, led by Luleå University of Technology, was lunched last week and focuses on social acceptance, safety, regulations and political organisation. Each partner in the programme, receive their funding at the national level, The Swedish parties are financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. Both projects take place within the framework of Luleå University of Technology's hydrogen initiative, the Centre for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden - CH2ESS.
Project participants: Luleå tekniska universitet, Univercity of Iceland, IVL Svenska miljöinstitutet, Blámi, Göteborgs hamn, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Statkraft, Landsvirkjun, Luleå energi, Piteå hamn och SSAB.
Joakim Lundgren
- Professor
- 0920-491307
- joakim.lundgren@ltu.se
- Joakim Lundgren