2 April 2024
Launch of transcription and recordings of meetings in Teams
LTU has now activated the function to transcribe speech to text in realtime in meetings held in Teams.
Teams offers the capability to record and transcribe meetings, allowing participants to access the information afterward. Meeting recordings and transcriptions can be initiated and stopped by the meeting organizer and all participants from LTU.
When you start a recording, transcription of the meeting also begins. If you do not wish to transcribe the meeting, you must manually turn it off after starting the recording.
Recordings are stored in the Microsoft Stream account of the person who initiated the recording. Only the recorder can grant access to individuals who were not initially part of the meeting. By default, recordings are saved for 180 days, unless manually deleted by the person who started the recording.
If you only transcribe a meeting, the transcription will be retained until the meeting organizer removes it.
After the meeting, you can access the recording and transcription from the Summary/Recap tab in Teams or via Microsoft Stream External link, opens in new window..
Remember never to discuss information with a High security level during a Teams meeting, whether you are recording, transcribing, or not.
For more details on how to record a meeting in Teams or how to access the recording and transcription afterward, refer to the links below.