Foto: Peder Jonsson
23 May 2024
Farewell ceremony
The university has organised three graduation ceremonies at Kulturens hus to celebrate the students who have graduated or are about to graduate. 470 happy students participated and went up on stage to receive congratulations and diplomas from the Vice-Chancellor Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.
A great day
"Today is a big day. A graduation day that means a lot to me and to all employees at the university. But most of all, of course, it means to you students who are on the brink of a new phase in your lives," said Rector Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn in her speech to the graduating students.
The graduation ceremony began with a solemn procession into the hall accompanied by beautiful choral singing from the women's choir Embla and the men's choir Snapsakademin. With her on stage, Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn had Luleå student union chairman Erik Henriksson, Teknologkårens chairman Erik Welltén, who gave a speech, and representatives from the programs.
In addition to each student receiving congratulations and diplomas, representatives of the various programs handed out a ribbon with an LTU pin from the university. The pin symbolises the belonging to the university, and the students were encouraged to wear it as a memory of their studies.
New alumni
The Vice-Chancellor also took the opportunity to invite the students to stay connected to the University – as alumni.
"You are moving from being students to being alumni. Please keep in touch with us, keep in touch with your university and your former teachers. Education is a continuous process and lifelong learning continues. We have much to offer each other in the future.
Stay in touch!
Do you want to continue to receive information about what is happening at Luleå University of Technology and get tips on, for example, alumni reunions that take place around the country? Register in our alumni database:
More pictures from the farewell ceremony will be published soon.