Fredrik Larsson
Research Assistant
Research subject: Solid Mechanics
Division: Solid Mechanics
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Luleå, E862
About me
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in machine design, Luleå University of Technology.
PhD project: Development of a method for lightweight construction of warmformed components with complex geometries.
The project aims to develop a method for enabling a simulation-based design of thick-walled components for trucks and other heavy vehicles in the transport sector. The project goal is to enable weight-optimized components with complex geometries, which meet the fatigue requirements by avoiding components with multiple parts, welding joints and other types of joints. To achieve this, methods of warm forming and an FE simulation-based forming process design will be applied with new UHSS steel grades intended for warm forming. The method will be supported by modeling and simulation, including microstructural predictions, shaping simulations and determination of final component properties.
Supervisor: Pär Jonsén External link.
Deputy supervisor: Mats Oldenburg External link.
Deputy supervisor: Jörgen Kajberg External link.