Klara Rydström
Postdoctoral researcher
Research subject: Human Work Sciences
Division: Humans and Technology
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A152
In June 2024, I defended my dissertation Unpacking Online Retailing: The Organization of Warehouse Work and Inequality External link, opens in new window. where I studied the organization of work and inequality in Swedish online retail warehousing. The dissertation contributes with partly empirical knowledge about warehouse work and working conditions in online retailing, partly perspectives on how we can analytically approach inequality. The main focus is on gendered and racialized inequality.
In my role as a postdoctoral researcher, I will continue gender research in Human Work Sciences. During 2024-2026, I will study the so-called green transition and how it interacts with work and gender, with the mining industry as an empirical context. The project is financed by SUN - Natural Resources for Sustainability Transitions. External link, opens in new window.
I also participate in the project Komplätt. Jämställdhetskartläggning av metallindustrin (2022-2024, Vinnova) and the finished project Handel 4.0? Arbetsmiljö och ojämlikhet i e-handeln (2020-2023, Forte).
Research profile:
- Work, working conditions
- Gender, race/ethnicity, inequality
- (Online) retailing and service, base industry
- Green transition
- Ethnography
Teaching activities:
- S0008A. Team and Teamwork External link, opens in new window. (7,5hp)
- S0069A. Social strafitiering: Klass, kön och etnicitet External link, opens in new window. (7,5hp)
- S0058A. Perspektiv på arbetsliv och arbetsmarknad External link, opens in new window. (7,5hp)
- G1001N. Industriell ekonomi med ett hållbarhetsperspektiv External link, opens in new window. (7,5hp)