Phillip Tretten
Associate Professor, Distinguished University Teacher
Research subject: Human Work Sciences
Division: Humans and Technology
Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Luleå, A131
- PhD in Industrial Design (2011), Luleå University of Technology (Focus on driving performance in relation to cognitive load)
- Technology Licentiate degree in Industrial Design (2008), Luleå University of Technology (Focus on the location and usability of information in relation to in-vehicle locations)
- MSc in Psychology (2005), Luleå University of Technology (Focus on Human Factors)
- BSc in Psychology (1992), Palm Beach Atlantic University
My present research profile builds upon the expressed need for better understanding of maintenance risks using the maintenance systems, e.g. Human Machine Interaction (HMI) of the systems. More specifically, I’ve focused upon the development of guidelines for maintenance systems, to assist operators and maintenance personnel in their decisions. First, by risk analysis and, secondly, recommending and testing development opportunities. The overall goal has been to assist maintenance technicians with easy to use interfaces supporting their knowledge and need for the right information, in the right context, at the right time. This work has focused upon gaining tacit knowledge from the users of the system, that is, learning from them what they already know about, and can communicate it clearly.
More specifically how tacit knowledge, from maintenance technicians, can be learned and applied in intelligent systems. In Autonomous Maintenance, must technical systems and the physical maintenance actions harmonized so to complement each other. So that both explicit and implicit knowledge can be learned for next generation solutions. I have identified two major opportunities in which human intuitive cognition can collaborate with intelligent systems for maintenance solutions; through implicit situation awareness measurement techniques, using cognitive task, and the integration of collaboration concepts in the design of automated systems.
Teaching and Supervision
Involved in teaching courses and supervising theses at the Bachelor, Master and PhD level. This teaching includes Human Factors, Design, Maintenance Engineering, and Maintenance Strategy. Is also active in professional education.
- Human Factors in Maintenance (D7013B) External link.
- Human Factors for Safety in the Workplace (D0019B) External link.
- Senior Design Project in Maintenance Engineering (D0017B) External link.
- Design Science (D7018A) External link.
- MSc thesis Industrial Design (D7014A) External link.
- BSc thesis Maintenance Engineering (X0009B) External link.
- MSc thesis Maintenance Engineering (X7013B) External link.
PhD Supervision
- Niklas Olsson Opens in new window. - Designing simulator training for basic train driver education
- Angelo Compierchio Opens in new window. - Situational Awareness simulation for supporting inflight
security - Parul Khanna Opens in new window. - Maintenance and Industrial AI - Trends and Challenges
- Ville Rauhala - Reducing failure and downtime caused by maintenance actions
- Prasanna Illakoon (2020)-
- Angelo Compierchio - Situational Awareness simulation for supporting inflight
security - Ville Rauhala - Reducing failure and downtime caused by maintenance actions
- Prasanna Illakoon External link. (2020) - Soft Issues of Industry 4.0: A study on human-machine interactions External link.
- Ravdeep Kour External link. (2020) - Cybersecurity in Railway: A Framework for Improvement of Digital Asset Security (2020) External link.
- Esi Saari (2019) - KPI framework for maintenance management through eMaintenance: Development, implementation, assessment, and optimization External link.
- Liangwei Zhang (2016) - Big Data Analytics for Fault Detection and its Application in Maintenance External link.
- Mustafa Aljumaili (2016) - Data Quality Assessment: Applied in Maintenance External link.
- Yamur Aldouri (2016) - Information assurance for maintenance of railway track External link.
Research Projects (selected list)
Attrak - A roadmap for attractive, inclusive and safe mine work
OPTIVE - Optimized System Integration for Safe Interaction in Vehicles External link.
Horison 2020 - EU
RemaNet - Remanufacturing Network
NexGen SIMS - Next Generation carbon neutral pilots for smart intelligent mining systems External link, opens in new window.
MORIA: MonItoRing av komplexa tekniska system i stor skala External link.
Interreg EU-projekt
Arctic Railway Infrastructure in Kolarctic External link.
Ett nytt beslutsstödsystem för intelligent underhåll External link.
ePilot - Utveckling av e-Underhållsinfrastruktur External link.
More information
LinkedIn External link, opens in new window.
Academic CV Pdf, 7.3 MB, opens in new window.