Robert Furén
Externally employed doctoral student
Research subject: Urban Water Engineering
Division: Architecture and Water
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
About me
Robert Furén's research is focused on urban stormwater management with emphasis on the function of stormwater facilities, especially their long-term function as well as operation and maintenance. The research is conducted mainly on biofilters in Sweden, but studies have also been carried out at facilities in the U.S., in collaboration with Ohio State University. The aim of Robert's research is to increase the understanding of how to make cities sustainable and resilient from a stormwater management perspective. This is to be achieved, among other things by evaluating some of the environmental risks that may occur due to accumulation of pollutants in biofilters used for stormwater treatment in urban areas. Another objective is to provide a greater understanding of the risks and requirements of operation, maintenance and waste management.
Robert's research pursues to increase the knowledge and understanding of various industry players on how to design, build and manage green infrastructure in a long-term sustainable way and to, through close collaboration between clients, contractors and universities, combine theory and practice towards the goal of finding long-term sustainable solutions for climate adapted stormwater management in our cities.
Robert holds a M.Sc. in civil engineering from Chalmers, with specialization on urban water engineering and is employed by NCC as industrial PhD student within the VINNOVA-funded competence center DRIZZLE.
Research projects