Stephanie Rusch Fehrmann
Doctoral Student
Research subject: Urban Water Engineering
Division: Architecture and Water
Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Luleå, T3016
Stephanie joined the Urban Water Research Group in September 2021 as a Ph.D. Researcher. Her research focuses on Nutrient recovery in blackwater digestate.
The scientific work focuses on blackwater digestate concentration with waste heat-driven technologies and nitrification for further use as fertilizer.
Blackwater is only the water fraction coming from toilets, which contain the most nutrients and organic matter of domestic wastewater. After biogas production, digestate is produced, remaining a liquid low in organics and high in nutrients with great potential to be reused.
Stephanie’s background is in bioengineering with a master's in Chemical and Bioprocess engineering. Her major interests are sustainable wastewater treatment, innovative sanitation systems, thermal processes, and circular economy.
Stephanie is part of Creaternity
Research Projects
- Stormwater&Sewers – A Competence Network in Urban Water Engineering
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