Avslutade projekt i urval inom drift och underhållsteknik
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Hybrid models for machinery diagnosis and prognosis
Madhav Mishra, Juhamatti Saari, Matti Rantatalo & Uday Kumar
Integrated Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Strategies Optimization
Janet Lin & Uday Kumar
Risk-based inspection intervals for railway infrastructure
Alireza Ahmadi
RAMS analysis of railway signalling systems
Amparo Morant
Rock and Machine Interface
Rajib Ghosh, Håkan Schunnesson & Uday Kumar
Improvement of Railway Infrastructure Capacity through Effective Maintenance
Stephen Famurewa, Behzad Ghodrati, Matti Rantatalo & Uday Kumar
DeCoTrack, Track degradation modelling and analysis related to change in railway traffic
The model simulates changes in degradation rate of the track due to changes in traffic characteristics.
eMaintenance infrastructure for enhanced information logistics
Olov Candell, Alireza Ahmadi & Ramin Karim
eMaintenance solutions to Effective Decision-making in maintenance
Mustafa Aljumaili, Yasser Ahmed Mahmood, Olov Candell & Ramin Karim
Study of Maintenance Threshold Limits
Iman Arasteh khouy & PO Larson Kråik
Optimum Maintenance & LCC of mobile drilling machines in mining applications
Hussan Hamodi, Jan Lundberg & Behzad Ghodrati
eMaintenance solutions for predictive maintenance support
Liangwei Zhang, Ramin Karim and Phillip Tretten
Context-driven maintenance decision support in eMaintenance
Liangwei Zhang, Ramin Karim & Phillip Tretten
Link and effect model application through life cycle cost and return of investment analysis
Christer Stenström, Aditya Parida & Uday Kumar
Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Mining Machinery
Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh, Jan Lundberg & Behzad Ghodrati
RAMS analysis of railway signalling systems
Amparo Morant
OptiKrea - Optimal methods for innovative product development and decision support
Development of an ideation method and a concept selection method specifically for groups acting in the context of the Swedish deregulated railway market, with members from different organizations with different functional knowledge.
Anomaly detection using Support vector machines on overhead contact wire
The Support Vector Regression (SVR) is used to model the dependency between vertical acceleration and the other factor such as uplift, train speed, height of the wire. Correlation is used to find the significant factors which influence the vertical acceleration.
A pre-study on wheel/rail interface friction management
Important questions to address are e.g. the optimal friction value at low temperatures, application techniques, optimal surface topography for application of friction modifiers and techniques for measuring friction online/on-board.
Aspects of improving punctuality: from data to decision in railway maintenance
The purpose of the research presented in this thesis is to explore and describe information and requirements related to railway punctuality in order to support systematic improvements. The focus is on delay causes related to infrastructure maintenance.
The aim of the project is to make the movement of freight by rail more dependable, i.e. reliable, available, maintainable and safe through the generation of additional capacity on the existing network.
Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor (BGLC)
The aim of the project is to present quantifiable, green, resource-efficient and reliable transport solutions that meet the needs of the future.
Big Data Analytics for Fault Detection and its Application in Maintenance
This research has developed an Angle-based Subspace Anomaly Detection (ABSAD) approach to fault detection in high-dimensional data. The efficacy of the approach is demonstrated in analytical studies and numerical illustrations.
Dependability and safety evaluation of railway signalling systems based on field data
The purpose of this study is to propose tools to assess the dependability and safety of infrastructure signalling systems in the operation and maintenance phase, to support continuous improvement.
Developing a method for the specification and selection criteria for technical systems and equipment
The aim of the project is to develop methods to find optimal technical specifications and optimal selection of the products.
Development and Implementation of RAMS and LCC Model for Railway Track System
The application of RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) analysis for railway infrastructure is limited. The focus of this thesis was therefore to demonstrate the applicability of RAMS and LCC analyses for railway infrastructure and present models for effective infrastructure ...
Development of a demonstrator for eMaintenance for railway
To collect the necessary data from the research station on the Western Main Line and the Ore Railway, develop, adjust and integrat resources (hard and software) to suit set requirements.
Development of life cycle cost model and analyses for railway switches and crossings
During the course of this research study, reliability and maintainability characteristics of switches and crossings are analysed using real data from Banverket. In addition, an LCC model is developed using information from Banverket. By applying this model, correct maintenance and investment decisio...
Development of SVM model for reliability analysis of railway system
The aim of the research was to develop and demonstrate the applicability of SVM models to identify abnormal state and indentify the onset of failures in railway infrastructure.
Drift av stora kraftsystem med små mängder av fysiskt tröghetsmoment
Projektet har hanterat upplevd problematik gällande instabilitet i järnvägselnätet (även kallat banmatningsnätet). I takt med att järnvägselnätet i Sverige byggts ut med ökad andel statiska omriktare har den fysiska trögheten i systemet minskat. Allmänt har nätet även ändrat karaktär gällande framfö...
Dynamic Maintenance Programme
An information logistic framework will be developed for increased effectiveness and efficiency of the dynamic maintenance program process, with regard to the goal levels of service qualities for different asset types throughout their whole life cycle.
Effective maintenance execution with human factor interventions
To develop easy to implement guidelines for good maintenance practices through human factor interventions.
Evaluation of wayside condition monitoring technologies for condition-based maintenance of railway
The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze wayside condition monitoring equipment for railway vehicles, in order to support the implementation of a condition-based maintenance strategy.
Förstudie: RAMS/LCC i projektering
Syftet är att ta fram tillämpningar och metoder för att använda RAMS och LCC i projekteringsfasen. Målet är att öka funktions-, drift- och leveranssäkerhet samt underhållsmässigheten på järnvägsanläggningar genom att förändra projektörens beteende att förlita sig på föreskrifter istället för att med...
EU-projekt i urval
SAFT Inspect :Ultrasonic synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique for Inspection of Railways Crossings
Matti Rantatalo, Jan Lundberg and Johan Carlsson
Diego Galar, Roberto Villarejo & Uday Kumar
Power-OM (Power consumption driven Reliability, Operation and Maintenance optimisation)
Diego Galar & Uday Kumar
Ramin Karim & Uday Kumar
Ulla Juntti & Uday Kumar
CETIA (Coastal Environment, Technology & Innovation in the Arctic)
Rupesh Kumar & Uday Kumar
BGLC (Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor)
Ulla Juntti & Uday Kumar
TREND (Test of Rolling Stock Electromagnetic Compatibility for cross-Domain Interoperability)
Diego Galar & Uday Kumar
SUSTRAIL (The sustainable freight railway)
Matti Rantatalo, Mattias Asplund & Uday Kumar
Uday Kumar, Ulla Juntti & Aditya Parida
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