Luleå University of Technology has a close and well-established collaboration with LKAB. The current collaboration agreement was written in 2019 and defines a framework for the collaboration with associated sub-agreements for the activities that are decided.
Purpose of the agreement
The agreement aims to meet the rapidly changing world together and with united forces and to strengthen the strategic cooperation in education, research, and innovation in the long term. The purpose of the collaboration is to increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of both LKAB and Luleå University of Technology. Together, LKAB and the University want to identify future areas of collaboration and develop goals, strategies and concrete action plans and joint activities within these.
The activities decided will lead to increased quality in skills development and lifelong learning, in research and in innovation, which in turn leads to sustainable growth and strengthened competitiveness for both parties.
Through collaboration, we will produce knowledge, ensure competence and quality and find solutions that are beneficial to LKAB, Luleå University of Technology and, by extension, the region and the society in which we operate.
Collaboration on
- Education and training
- Research
- Innovation
Focus areas for the partnership
Research, Development and Innovation: concrete research projects in which the partners want to cooperate, both at national and international level.
Access to physical environment, infrastructure and innovation systems - co-use of research infrastructure and innovation systems, cooperation with research institutes.
Skills supply and skills development: cooperate in student recruitment, define the need for skills development and targeted efforts towards further training of LKAB's staff. Staff exchanges can also be discussed in this context.
The partnership has close links with, for example, the following projects, initiatives and centers:
- HYBRIT - Towards fossil-free steel production, a collaboration between LKAB, SSAB and Vattenfall.
External link.
- SUM - Sustainable Underground Mining
- SUN - Natural resources for sustainable community transformation
- Creaternity - Sustainable use of materials in a connected and circular economy
- CH2ESS - Center for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden
- CEM - Common Earth Modeling of the Kiruna Mining District
- Swedish School of Mines
- T25
Daniel Johansson
- Professor tillika ämnesföreträdare
- 0920-492361
- Daniel Johansson