Swedish School of Mines
Luleå University of Technology is Sweden's mining university. Swedish School of Mines combines research, education and infrastructure across the entire value chain of minerals and metals.
The world's growing population and climate changes demand new thinking and transition in our society. The need for metals and minerals will increase to cope with this transition. In order to meet tomorrow's challenges, engineers with relevant skills that cover the entire value chain are required.
Within the framework of the Swedish School of Mines several master's and engineering programs as well as a new international bachelor's program are offered. The latter gives students knowledge of the entire value chain in the mining industry and eligibility for in-depth studies within the master's programs.
Swedish School of Mines is an initiative to deliver the skills and competence for the whole mining and recycling value chain that the world demands through the green transition.
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Our students are recruited both from Sweden and internationally

Meet our teachers
Our researchers become your teachers.

We offer scholarships for international students, tailored to different needs, and you could potentially qualify for one of them. Read more here

Nordic mining knowledge strengthens sustainable mining in African coun
A new Nordic cooperation, The MINEARC (Mining Innovation Exchange through Arctic Regional Collaboration) project, United States Department of State, aims to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing
The ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands explores collaboration on the green energy transition
On Wednesday the 24th of April Luleå University of Technology welcomed the ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Bengt van Loosdrecht and Policy Officer Jara Verkleij for a constructive dialogue on potential collaborations between the Netherla...
A Collaborative Frontier in Mining Between Sweden and Canada
Saeed Chehreh Chelgani, the director of the Swedish School of Mine (SSM) had an opportunity and honor to talk with Canadian federal and provincial representatives (Mr. Jason LaTorre “Canada Ambassador”, Mr. Jocelyn Douheret “Director of Mining Polici...
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