Regional Cooperation Council
The background
Norrbotten's regional collaboration council for school and teacher education was formed in the spring of 2020. In recent years, a number of collaborations between LTU, school principals and Norrbotten's municipalities have been established - including joint research and development projects, degree projects in collaboration and continuing education initiatives. In addition, the training school project ÖS/ÖSF has also contributed to increased collaboration. A research school, PROFS, co-financed by LTU, Region Norrbotten and two school municipalities has also been established.
In order to take advantage of learning examples, ensure a long-term approach in joint initiatives and further develop collaborations, in parallel with these good collaborations there has been an ambition to establish a sustainable overall collaboration structure between the parties.
The collaboration council is a formalized, recognized and sustainable collaboration arena that promotes the parties' mission to develop schools and teacher education in accordance with current steering documents. The overall purpose of the collaboration council is to strengthen the dialogue between the parties and promote the parties' conditions for collaboration in joint strategic issues concerning the development of preschool/school and teacher training in Norrbotten.
Operational focus
The collaboration council's work is based on both the school principals' needs for operational development and skills supply and the university's mission to conduct teacher education and research of high quality and relevance to the education system. The Council shall work on strategic issues of a general nature that affect the collaboration between the parties. Annual operational plans establish priority collaboration issues.
Examples of identified operational issues:
- Teacher education and postgraduate education
- Practice-oriented research and operational development
- Skills development and continuing education
- Skills and teacher supply
- Training schools and kindergartens