Degree projects in collaboration
An important part of the ULF collaboration to build sustainable collaborative structures for practice-oriented research is the collaboration on the student teachers' independent work. The students find, in collaboration with the needs of the school activities, suitable issues to research and the supervision is conducted by both LTU researchers and teachers in the school activities.
Collaborative thesis work can serve as an entry point into the ULF collaboration for schools that have little or no experience of collaboration with researchers. The teachers have the opportunity to formulate problem areas that form the basis for a degree project, while the student doing the degree project gets extra time for supervision, by appointing an assistant supervisor - a teacher - from the school. The scientific supervisor is thus also given the opportunity to meet the organization to discuss issues within the chosen problem area.
A previous project on collaborative degree projects was about schools being able to order degree projects, while this project is about schools, in collaboration with the university, developing sustainable procedures for practice-based R&D activities where the design of the purpose and the supervision of the degree project will take place in collaboration between the school, the student and the university.
Within the framework of the ULF collaboration, the conditions for a long-term sustainable structure for the collaboration will thus be developed so that more active teachers and more municipalities are involved. The development means that teachers become more active in the process, for example by acting as assistant supervisors, opponents and/or listeners at seminars where students present their work.
Each year, ten students are offered the opportunity to carry out their degree project in collaboration. At present, four municipalities have participated in the work, but an increase in the number of municipalities and potential assistant supervisors is sought.
- For further reading, see the article: "Meeting eye to eye: The power relations in triadic supervision of the degree project in teacher education"
External link. written by Lena Manderstedt, Sara Viklund, Annbritt Palo & Hanna Nilsson. In the journal Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.
- And the report Examensarbete i samverkan mellan skola och lärarutbildning
External link. (pdf on Piteå municipality's website).