Metal Working
7,5 credits, course, master's level, T7028T
Application period starts 2025-09-16
This course is designed in collaboration with world-leading steel manufacturers with focus on the final stages of high-quality steel component manufacturing. You will learn the very latest in metalworking science and gain a competence in high demand.
Would you like to be on the front line of transforming the European steel industry into environmentally sustainable and economically competitive? Metal working is about evaluating the behaviour of metals during forming, with regard to both material- and process dependent parameters, such as microstructural evolution, mechanical properties and modelling. The course includes metallurgy, from slabs to final product including heat treatment. You will learn to analyse and simulate metal processing with simple empirical and semi-empirical methods, as well as exemplify when finite element modelling can be used for rolling. The course consists of lectures, exercises, home assignments and study-visit.
The course is multidisciplinary, combining materials science and solid mechanics. The steel industry has a spoken need of future engineers with this unique combination of competences. Read more about this steel initiative and the possibilities for thesis work and summer jobs on the following home-page:
For Programme students
Application period starts 2025-09-16
Metal Working
Period 3 - 3, v. 4 2026 - v. 12 2026, no module, LuleåNormal teachingDay-time 50%Spring 2026
Optional course within programmes. Can be applied for within the optional space of a programme.
Selectable course in the following programmes:
Mandatory course in the following programmes:
Application for Exchange students at LTU
Application period starts 2025-09-16
Metal Working
Period 3 - 3, v. 4 2026 - v. 12 2026, no module, LuleåNormal teachingDay-time 50%Spring 2026
Course offered in English to prospective exchange student, nominated for exchange by home university.
7,5 credits, course, master's level, T7028T
Application period starts 2025-09-16
This course is designed in collaboration with world-leading steel manufacturers with focus on the final stages of high-quality steel component manufacturing. You will learn the very latest in metalworking science and gain a competence in high demand.
Would you like to be on the front line of transforming the European steel industry into environmentally sustainable and economically competitive? Metal working is about evaluating the behaviour of metals during forming, with regard to both material- and process dependent parameters, such as microstructural evolution, mechanical properties and modelling. The course includes metallurgy, from slabs to final product including heat treatment. You will learn to analyse and simulate metal processing with simple empirical and semi-empirical methods, as well as exemplify when finite element modelling can be used for rolling. The course consists of lectures, exercises, home assignments and study-visit.
The course is multidisciplinary, combining materials science and solid mechanics. The steel industry has a spoken need of future engineers with this unique combination of competences. Read more about this steel initiative and the possibilities for thesis work and summer jobs on the following home-page:
For Programme students
Application period starts 2025-09-16
Metal Working
Period 3 - 3, v. 4 2026 - v. 12 2026, no module, LuleåNormal teachingDay-time 50%Spring 2026
Optional course within programmes. Can be applied for within the optional space of a programme.
Selectable course in the following programmes:
Mandatory course in the following programmes:
Application for Exchange students at LTU
Application period starts 2025-09-16
Metal Working
Period 3 - 3, v. 4 2026 - v. 12 2026, no module, LuleåNormal teachingDay-time 50%Spring 2026
Course offered in English to prospective exchange student, nominated for exchange by home university.
Kumar Babu Surreddi
- Associate Professor
- 0920-493451
- Kumar Babu Surreddi