Social science
The courses are aimed at those who want to be involved and influence the development of society in a positive direction and in a way that benefits the individual. If you want to work with social issues, you can choose many of our courses – regardless of educational orientation.
24 hits
- Course - First cycle - 15 Cr
Global environmental regimes
Why did we succeed in stopping the growth of the ozone hole, but now fall short when it comes to the depletion of biological diversity?
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Organisation and leadership
The course gives basic knowledge of leadership.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Team and Teamwork
The object is to give the students basic knowledge of team building, team development and teamwork in a work organizattion context.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Development of Digital Preservation Systems
The student acquires knowledge of design and development of systems for digital preservation, based on information systems development, long-term perspectives and organisational concern.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Knowledge Management
After the course the student is able to understand central concepts within the area of knowledge management and has experience of how knowledge is created, spread and used in an organization.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Database Systems II
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Internet Security
By combining theoretical study with practical projects, the student will gain the capability required for working with computer security, which includes applying common available security tools to detect attacks, analyze, and solve security problems.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Information Security Governance
The course Information Security Governance adopts a strategic management perspective and focuses on the security work required to safeguard an organization.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Security Architecture
The Enterprise Security Architecture is the practice of applying methods to describe an organization's processes, information systems, personnel and organizational units' safety, so that they address the organization's core objectives.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Strategic security and IT-management
The student gains knowledge to deal with the relationship between Security and IS/IT- Management and business strategies and how to plan for and develop information security policies and programs.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Information Security Risk Management
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Project Course Cybersecurity
The course gives you the opportunity to work on a realistic cybersecurity. The focus is on hands-on experience, critical thinking and collaboration to create effective security strategies and solutions.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Data Communication in Information Systems
The course contains an overview of the area of communication and the Internet in a non-technical way.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Research Methodology
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Microeconomics, I
The goal of the course is to provide an advanced understanding of resource allocation within a society.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Applied Mathematical Economics
Economists with knowledge in mathematics are becoming more demanded in the job market. Applied mathematics for economists is the course for you who are prepared to meet this demand.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Intermediate Macroeconomics B
Would you like to develop your understanding of the effects of fiscal and monetary policies on your, and the societies, economic situation? If so, then this is a course aimed for you.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Sustainable design, Critical Thinking and Ethics
Explore Sustainable design, critical thinking, and ethics to innovate responsibly and shape a better future.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Industrial organisation II
On many markets there are firms that exercise some kind of market power. E.g., cartels might exercise market power to increase the price level. This course analyse markets with such behavior.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Engineering Psychology 1

5 juni – 22 juni, öppet mellan kl 10–16
6 juni, stängt
23 juni, stängt
26 juni – 21 juli, öppet mellan kl 10–14
24 juli – 28 juli, stängt
31 juli – 11 augusti, öppet mellan kl 10–14
14 augusti – 25 augusti, öppet mellan kl 8–17