Business Administration and Economics
With us, you can put together your own economics education by choosing from among the courses that interest you. In this way, you can find your very own orientation and niche in the labor market.
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- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Industrial Logistics, Advanced Course
The goal of these courses is to give the students a solid understanding of the analytical tools necessary to reduce costs and improve service levels in logistics systems.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Global Financial Management
The objective is to offer knowledge and tools in Global Financial Management that will support decisions on investments on international markets.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Strategic management
Globalization together with rapid technological development places new demands on the strategic competence of today's organizations. The ability to develop and implement strategies for the business therefore becomes absolutely crucial for success.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Branding You
Students focus on analyzing their personal brand and develop a strategy to find various job opportunities, in order to have a more successful career and life. The course utilizes theories in branding and marketing to apply to a person as a brand.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Consumer behaviour
The course aims to provide in-depth knowledge of consumer behavior in various situations and how this can be influenced or changed. The course also highlights the importance consumer behavior can have for marketing on a strategic and tactical level.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Industrial marketing
The course focuses on the importance of the marketing function in industrial markets. Students are introduced to fundamental marketing principles as applied to contemporary business scenarios.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Service Marketing
In this course, design, production, and marketing of services are analyzed from the perspective of both the customer and the producing company. Service quality is a central theme of the course.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Customer Relationship Management
The course focuses on the strategic, analytical, and operational aspects of Customer Relationship Management. The main perspective of the course is that of seller – buyer.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Global Marketing Strategy
The course deals with how the global marketing environment affects the marketing strategies.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Cross-cultural management
The course deals with, theoretically and practically, international organizational behavior on multicultural markets and how to organize activities in multicultural teams.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Market Research for Business Decisions
The course deals with the role of market information in companies and how market research can be used for business decisions. The process from formulation of the business problem to communication of research results is studied and practised.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Management of business
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Advanced Project Managements
After the completion of the course the students will be able to plan and lead projects in a multi-project environment, both independently and in a group. The course also provides the students an opportunity to realise how different demands and needs of internal and external parties are met in a project plan.
- Course - Second cycle - 15 Cr
Strategies for digital marketing
This is a course in digital marketing that includes both strategical and tactical learning activities. Search engine marketing, website optimization, social media marketing, email marketing and analytics are areas that are covered in the course.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Industrial sales and purchasing
The course provides an in-depth understanding of the strategic importance of sales for industrial companies.
- Course - Second cycle - 7,5 Cr
Sustainable strategic marketing
Based on a company’s overall business strategy, including a sustainability strategy, this course will allow students to develop marketing strategies to create competitive advantages for organizations in an industrial market.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Microeconomics, I
The goal of the course is to provide an advanced understanding of resource allocation within a society.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Applied Mathematical Economics
Economists with knowledge in mathematics are becoming more demanded in the job market. Applied mathematics for economists is the course for you who are prepared to meet this demand.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Intermediate Macroeconomics B
Would you like to develop your understanding of the effects of fiscal and monetary policies on your, and the societies, economic situation? If so, then this is a course aimed for you.
- Course - First cycle - 7,5 Cr
Intermediate Econometrics
Econometrics is one of the main tools that economists use to quantify and analyze economic relationships. Being able to use econometrics is an increasingly demanded skill.

5 juni – 22 juni, öppet mellan kl 10–16
6 juni, stängt
23 juni, stängt
26 juni – 21 juli, öppet mellan kl 10–14
24 juli – 28 juli, stängt
31 juli – 11 augusti, öppet mellan kl 10–14
14 augusti – 25 augusti, öppet mellan kl 8–17