Who is allowed on university premises?
Luleå University of Technology is an authority and a study and workplace for students and employees. Sometimes we can come across people who have no case to the authority and these people must leave the buildings.
Luleå University of Technology is primarily a study and workplace for students and employees. This means that the university's premises are not to be regarded as a public place in the sense that the public has free access to them according to the Swedish law (1993: 1617) ch. § 2, with the exception of the premises that the university has designated as a public place, such as, for example, the public areas in the University Library.
At lectures and seminars that are announced as public, conferences, concerts and so-called open house events, the University can invite the public to participate at these events.
As the university mostly has unlocked entrances, unauthorized persons can enter the premises without a direct matter and these persons must then be evicted. Depending on the situation, there are different options for how this can be done:
- If you feel that it is a safe situation where you can ask the person in which matter the person is visiting the university, you do so.
- If you feel that the situation is not safe, call Campus security (university guard).
Please note that with locked entrances, everyone should ensure that the door closes properly when entering and exiting to reduce the risk of unauthorized entry.
Telephone number
If a crime is in progress, call 112 immediately.
Phone numbers for security guards can also be found on the back of your access card.
Security guards Luleå
Porsön, Vetenskapens Hus and Teaterhögskolan
Phone number: 0920-49 12 34
Security guards Kiruna
Phone number: 0920-49 32 10
Security guards Piteå
Phone number: 0911-727 77
Guardian Skellefteå
Phone number: 0910-58 57 57