Some of the associate professors participating in the merit-based initiative. Top row: Monika Kurkkio, Anna Krook-Riekkola, Foteini Liwicki. Seated: Inga Herrmann, Eva Brandt (consultant IPF).
5 April 2024
Gender equality initiative for professors
Luleå University of Technology's merit-based initiative aims to increase gender equality among professors in strategically selected areas, which is also a government assignment. Six women associate professors receive funding equivalent to half-time positions for two years, with the aim of subsequently applying for promotion to professors. The initiative also includes a leadership program.
In 2016, the government tightened gender equality requirements at universities with the aim of increasing the number of women professors. By 2030, the government aims for half of all new professors to be women. The six associate professors will be allocated time equivalent to half-time positions to work on their qualifications, with the goal of applying for assessment for higher eligibility as professors in spring 2025.
Offers significant development opportunities
The initiative includes a leadership program led by the Institute for Personnel and Business Development (IPF). The leadership program aims to create networks for support and exchange of experiences and provide tools to develop effective leadership at a higher academic level. Participants will also work on personal leadership, personal development, self-awareness and have access to individual or group mentorship and supervision.
"I feel truly privileged to have the opportunity to be part of this merit-based initiative. It is an important and perhaps decisive opportunity for me to apply for promotion to professor next spring. I can dedicate more time to networking and have space to seek external funding," says Anneli Nyman, Associate Professor in Occupational therapy at Luleå University of Technology.
"I also see great value in being part of a university-wide program focusing on leadership, personal development and mentorship. Here, I have the opportunity to develop both as a researcher and as a leader."
Anneli Nyman, Associate Professor in Occupational therapy, is very satisfied with her participation in the merit-based initiative.
Thorough selection process
Selection criteria for candidates included demonstrated/potential scientific or artistic excellence, teaching excellence, leadership ability, experience in research funding, collaboration with the outside world, and administrative or other significant skills. Candidates must be permanently employed at the university and have an ongoing main supervisory role. There should be a need for additional professors in the relevant subject area.
"The selection process involved heads of departments, in consultation with heads of division and subject representatives, identifying candidates with particularly high potential to become successful researchers, teachers and leaders. A judging panel, consisting of the chairperson of the technical and the philosophical faculty council together with the head of departments, selected six candidates, which were then subject to a decision by the vice-chancellor," says Celina Falk, HR specialist at Luleå University of Technology.
The merit-based initiative commenced in autumn 2023 and runs until spring 2025. Participants in the initiative include:
- Stina Rutberg, Physiotherapy, Department of Health, Education and Technology
- Anneli Nyman, Occupational therapy, Department of Health, Education and Technology
- Inga Herrmann, Urban water engineering, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
- Anna Krook-Riekkola, Energy engineering, Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
- Foteini Liwicki, Machine learning, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering
- Monika Kurkkio, Accounting and control, Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
Read more about Luleå University of Technology's gender equality efforts here.
The merit-based initiative is a result of the strategic initiative 'LTU - Sweden's most gender-equal university,' which was implemented during 2022–2023.